Allan Maclean

Allan Maclean

b: ABT 1580
d: 1645
From 'The Clan Gillean,' 1899, by Alexander Maclean Sinclair:

Allan of Ardgour was a hostage in the hands of Angus Macdonald of Islay in 1587. He was only a young boy when his father was killed. His uncle Charles acted as tutor to him. Charles was a greedy and dishonest man, and succeeded by some crooked means in getting himself served heir male to the lands of Ardgour, in September, 1593. When Allan came to be of age, Charles refused to give up the estate to him. His mother's people then advised Allan to apply to the Earl of Argyll for assistance. Argyll agreed to obtain possession of the estate for him, on condition of holding it of himself as superior instead of holding it of the Crown. Allan accepted Argyll's terms, Charles was seized by a stratagem, by Stewart of Appin, and imprisoned on Stalker's Island - Eilein an Stalcaire - where he was detained for some time. Through the influence of Hector Og of Duart, to whose aunt Charles was married, Allan agreed to give to Charles Inverscadale and certain other lands, on condition of his paying to him yearly the feu-duty which was to be given to Argyll. This duty consisted of twenty-five marks Scots, and a cuid oidhche,or night's entertainment. It was afterwards commuted to fifty marks Scots, or two pounds fifteen shillings and sixpence. Allan received Ardgour in November, 1618. He was served heir to John Mac Terlach Mac Ewen, son of the brother of his great-grandfather. He married Catherine, daughter of Allan Cameron of Lochiel, and had fourteen children by her: John Crùbach, his successor; Hector; Allan; Charles, whose son John settled at Anderton near Glasgow; Donald, who was killed at Inverkeithing; Lachlan Mor; Lachlan Og; Ewen the elder; Ewen the younger; Archibald; John Og; Mary, who was married to Charles Maclean of Ardnacross; Marion, who was married to John Maclean of Totaranald; and Christy. The Rev. John Maclean, D. D., minister of Gorbals, Glasgow, was the son of John Maclean, of Anderton. He married, in 1797, Ann Ballentine, and had by her John, James, John, Patrick, William, Robert, Alexander, Walter, Margaret, Euphemia, and Elizabeth. William was a merchant in Buenos Ayres. Robert was a merchant in Manchester.

From the Seanachie, 1835

"ALLAN, 7th MACLEAN OF ARDGOUR, who being a child at the time of his father's death, the affairs of the estate were administered by Charles Mac-Allan, his uncle. The guardian was a man bold and aspiring, and did much to defraud Allan of his property. His purposes were however timely discovered, and his intentions frustrated. The young laird betook himself immediately to the assistance of his mother's relatives, the Stuarts of Appin, by whose aid Charles Mac-Allan was removed from the trust he had so much abused. It was, however, finally agreed to let him have the lands of Inverscadell and other farms, which were to descend to his posterity on condition of the payment of an annual charge of twenty-five merks or a "cuid-aoiche" (a night's entertainment), which was afterwards commuted for a sum of fifty merks yearly. {More details are given about the squabbles, but I'll omit them for now}. Allan was married to Catherine, daughter of Allan of Lochiel, chief of the Clan-Cameron, and had by her eleven sons: John Crubach, Hector, Allan, Charles, Donald, Lachlan Mor, Lachlan Oig, Ewen the elder, Ewen the younger, Archibald, and John the younger. The latter John and his brother Donald were killed at Inverkeithing. He had also three daughters: Mary, married to Charles MacLean, of Ardnacross; Marion, married to John MacLean, of Toteronald; and Christiana. The 7th laird of Ardgour lived to a great age, and at his death left to his heir a productive and an unburdened estate. He was succeeded by his eldest son, John Crubach."
  • ABT 1580 - Birth -
  • 1645 - Death -
  • 1587 - Fact -
  • SEP 1593 - Fact -
  • NOV 1618 - Fact -
Allan Maclean
ABT 1530 -
Ewen Maclean
ABT 1550 - ABT 1590
Allan Maclean
ABT 1580 - 1645
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Ewen Maclean
BirthABT 1550
DeathABT 1590
Marriage5 DEC 1578to Daughter Stewart
FatherAllan Maclean
PARENT (F) Daughter Stewart
Marriage5 DEC 1578to Ewen Maclean
FatherStewart of Appin
MAllan Maclean
BirthABT 1580
Marriageto Catherine Cameron
MJohn Maclean
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Allan Maclean
BirthABT 1580
Marriageto Catherine Cameron
FatherEwen Maclean
MotherDaughter Stewart
PARENT (F) Catherine Cameron
Marriageto Allan Maclean
FatherAllan Cameron
MJohn Crubach Maclean
BirthABT 1600
Marriageto Anne Campbell
Marriageto Marion Maclean
MHector Maclean
MAllan Maclean
MCharles Maclean
MDonald Maclean
MLachlan Mor Maclean
MLachlan Og Maclean
MEwan the Elder Maclean
MEwan the Younger Maclean
MArchibald Maclean
MJohn Og Maclean
FMary Maclean
FMarion Maclean
FChristina Maclean
[S22776] 'Warriors and Priests: History of the Clan Maclean 1300-1570' by Nicholas Maclean-Bristol, 1995
[S22954] 'The Clan Gillean,' 1899, by Alexander Maclean Sinclair - Chapter on Macleans of Ardgour.
Descendancy Chart
Allan Maclean b: ABT 1580 d: 1645
John Crubach Maclean b: ABT 1600
Ewen Maclean b: ABT 1635
Allan Maclean b: 1668 d: NOV 1756
John (Ewen) Maclean b: ABT 1701 d: MAR 1739
Hugh Maclean d: 1768
Alexander Maclean b: 15 APR 1764 d: 8 SEP 1855
Margaret Hope , Lady b: 24 JUN 1772 d: 16 SEP 1831
Alexander Maclean b: 11 FEB 1799
Henry Dundas Maclean b: 1800 d: 1863
Ewen Maclean b: ABT 1736
Donald Maclean b: ABT 1700 d: 1731
Archibald Maclean b: ABT 1703
Allan Maclean b: ABT 1705
James Maclean b: ABT 1706 d: 1 JUN 1761
Isabel Maclean b: ABT 1700
Margaret Maclean b: ABT 1702
Mary Maclean b: ABT 1704
Florance Maclean b: ABT 1744 d: 17 JUL 1815
James Maclean b: 5 FEB 1769
John George Maclean b: 1814 d: Q1 1879
Donald James Maclean b: 1817 d: 29 JUL 1837
Barbra Maclean b: 20 APR 1777 d: FEB 1809
Allan John Mahon b: 18 MAY 1808 d: FEB 1809
Hugh Maclean b: 9 MAY 1779
John Maclean d: NOV 1837
Isabel Maclean b: 29 MAR 1769 d: 27 AUG 1843
John Maclean b: AFT 1756
Donald Maclean b: 1792
Alexander Campbell Maclean b: 13 JAN 1798 d: 14 OCT 1864
Ann Maclean b: 12 DEC 1773 d: 16 JAN 1864
John Major Skinner , Lieut General b: 16 FEB 1752 d: 10 OCT 1827
Anne Skinner b: 14 NOV 1798 d: 27 MAR 1855
Henry Vere Huntley , RN b: 12 FEB 1795 d: 7 MAY 1864
Robert Spencer Huntley d: 15 FEB 1869
Henry Ferrers Huntley b: 5 JUL 1842 d: 13 JUN 1873
Thomas Skinner , CB b: 22 FEB 1800 d: 5 MAY 1843
John Skinner b: 23 AUG 1802 d: 28 NOV 1821
James Skinner b: 27 SEP 1803 d: 12 JAN 1842
Allan Maclean Skinner , Q.C. b: 14 JUL 1809 d: 23 MAY 1885
Caroline Emily Harding b: 22 OCT 1812 d: 12 JAN 1901
Euphemia Isabella Skinner b: 7 JUN 1847 d: 10 SEP 1939
Holroyd Chaplin b: 17 MAR 1840 d: 23 DEC 1917
10 Irene Kate Chaplin b: 1 MAR 1873 d: 22 JUN 1962
John William Ernest Pearce b: 4 APR 1864 d: 25 JAN 1951
10 Allan Nugent Chaplin b: 8 JUN 1871 d: 1917
10 Matilda Effie Chaplin b: 20 JUN 1874 d: 20 DEC 1874
10 Phyllis Chaplin b: 7 JUN 1879 d: 27 JUL 1924
Philip Herbert Cowell b: 1870 d: 1949
10 Theodoric Chaplin b: 14 FEB 1881 d: 29 OCT 1906
10 Daphne Grace Chaplin b: 6 SEP 1884 d: 16 FEB 1964
Daphne Grace Chaplin b: 6 SEP 1884 d: 16 FEB 1964
Cecil Arbuthnot Gould b: 1883 d: 1917
John Edwin Hilary Skinner b: 11 JAN 1839 d: 20 NOV 1894
Louisa Sarah Chaplin b: 23 APR 1838 d: 9 JUL 1897
10 John Allan Cleveland Skinner b: 19 SEP 1865 d: 8 SEP 1925
10 Caroline Louisa Marianne Skinner b: 22 FEB 1873 d: 20 JUN 1936
Roandeu Albert Henry Bickford-Smith b: 3 MAY 1859 d: 13 DEC 1916
10 Clifton Wyndham Hilary Skinner , R.F.A. b: 26 MAR 1880 d: 17 FEB 1908
Caroline Rachel Skinner b: 14 JUL 1840
Anna Cordelia Skinner b: 14 JUL 1840
Parkes Willy , Rev b: ABT 1827
10 Bertie Willy b: 1870
10 Alexander Cavendish Willy b: 19 JUL 1864
10 Marion Caroline Willy b: 7 APR 1866
10 Ada Arabella Willy b: 15 NOV 1869
10 Catherine Anna Willy b: 15 NOV 1869 d: 16 NOV 1869
Florance Marion Skinner b: 13 AUG 1842 d: 12 APR 1918
Walter Holden Steward b: 1832 d: 1913
10 Henry Allan Holden Steward b: 18 MAY 1865
10 Florance May Steward b: 10 SEP 1866 d: 29 MAR 1917
10 Lilian Grace Caroline Steward b: 7 APR 1870 d: 1940
Adolfo Arturo Burlamacchi b: 18 FEB 1869 d: 7 JUN 1905
10 Gwendoline Maud Catherine Steward b: 3 APR 1871 d: 1956
Katherine Louisa Skinner b: 17 OCT 1843 d: 1920
Ashley George Westby b: ABT 1835
10 Mary Florance Westby b: 2 NOV 1877
10 Ashley Thomas Westby , R.N.R. b: 21 JUL 1879 d: 14 JAN 1900
10 Wilfred George Westby b: 5 MAY 1881
10 Edwin John Westby b: 21 JAN 1883
Maud Elizabeth Skinner b: 25 OCT 1844 d: 24 JUN 1904
Allan Chaplin , Col b: 20 JUN 1844 d: 19 AUG 1910
10 Wyndham Allan Chaplin , Mus. Bac. Oxon., Rev b: 12 NOV 1872 d: 29 AUG 1914
Evelyn Dorothea Williamson b: 1873 d: 1945
10 Mabel Florance Ida Chaplin b: 7 OCT 1875 d: 1970
Charles Nugent Hope-Wallace b: 3 FEB 1877 d: 15 OCT 1953
10 Maud Dorothea Fanny Chaplin b: 23 JUL 1880 d: 6 NOV 1899
Allan Maclean Skinner , C.M.G. b: 20 MAR 1846 d: 14 JUN 1901
10 John Harding Skinner b: 16 SEP 1876
10 Caroline Emily Skinner b: 8 SEP 1877
10 Clifton Maclean Skinner b: 19 FEB 1879 d: 20 NOV 1918
10 Allan Leonard Dorney Skinner b: 2 NOV 1880 d: 1961
10 Ellen Florance Skinner b: 13 JUL 1884
10 William Shelford Skinner b: 19 DEC 1886
10 Mildred Skinner b: 10 SEP 1890
Marianne Skinner b: 1 AUG 1801 d: 20 DEC 1885