Grace Armstrong Wilson by letter to Harvey and Elaine Wilson 18 February 1982
Person(s) of Interest:
- Jack, (25 JAN 1911 - 10 JAN 1960)
- Molly, (14 APR 1932 - 1983)
- Pearce, Elsie Margaretta (27 DEC 1875 - 19 AUG 1966)
- Peggy, (10 SEP 1914 - 10 JUL 1916)
- Wilson, Elsie Mavis (13 MAY 1908 - 19 SEP 1990)
- Wilson, Grace Hurst Armstrong (19 AUG 1901 - 1988)
- Wilson, Harry James Musson (15 JUN 1854 - 21 NOV 1914)
- Wilson, Harvey James Musson (1 DEC 1899 - 31 DEC 1949)
- Wilson, Jack Ernest Alexander (25 JAN 1911 - 10 JAN 1960)
- Wilson, Joan (MAY 1933 - JUL 1935)
- Wilson, Joyce (OCT 1924 - 14 NOV 1974)
- Wilson, Muriel Doris (6 NOV 1897 - 22 MAY 1981)
- Wilson, Peggy (Lesley M) (10 SEP 1914 - 10 JUL 1916)
- Wilson, Philip Hurst Douglas (19 AUG 1901 - 9 DEC 1965)
- Wright, Margaret Mary (Molly) (14 APR 1932 - 1983)
- Wright, Thomas Henry (5 FEB 1929 - 2010)
- Wright, Tom (5 FEB 1929 - 2010)
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