Hilary Francis Cleveland Skinner

Hilary Francis Cleveland Skinner

b: 10 OCT 1889
d: 25 JUL 1916
From Tessa Kennedy, granddaughter of Allan Bickford-Smith, by email April 2006:

"Dear Alan
Thanks for your e-mail. I live in Hampshire and go to London two or three times a year. We grew up in Bexleyheath and friends of ours went to Merton Court School. I'm afraid I don't know anything about Yardley Court. I don't think Hilary Francis Skinner or Clifton Wyndham S had any children. Clifton Wyndham S had the family talent for modern languages and worked in Russia - perhaps he died there."
  • 10 OCT 1889 - Birth - ; Raipur, India
  • 25 JUL 1916 - Death - ; First World War (Battle of the Somme)
John Edwin Hilary Skinner
11 JAN 1839 - 20 NOV 1894
John Allan Cleveland Skinner
19 SEP 1865 - 8 SEP 1925
Louisa Sarah Chaplin
23 APR 1838 - 9 JUL 1897
Hilary Francis Cleveland Skinner
10 OCT 1889 - 25 JUL 1916
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) John Allan Cleveland Skinner
Birth19 SEP 1865Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Death8 SEP 1925 Isle of Man
Marriage27 NOV 1888to Augusta Beatrice Newman
FatherJohn Edwin Hilary Skinner
MotherLouisa Sarah Chaplin
PARENT (F) Augusta Beatrice Newman
Birth1864Cochin, India
Marriage27 NOV 1888to John Allan Cleveland Skinner
FatherFrancis Newman
MotherAugusta Beatrice
MHilary Francis Cleveland Skinner
Birth10 OCT 1889Raipur, India
Death25 JUL 1916First World War (Battle of the Somme)
MJohn Adrian Dudley Skinner
Birth2 SEP 1891Hornsea, Yorkshire, UK
Death30 MAY 1965
Marriage19 SEP 1916to Norah Goodchild
[S33465] Tessa Kennedy, descendant of JEH Skinner, by email etc 22 March 2006 & after; including info on historical figures compiled by Hilary John Bickford-Smith as shown in her copy of the Skinner 'Great Pedigree'.
[S9164] Effie Ray-Jones by word of mouth or in writing