Robert Welcher

Robert Welcher
b: 3 MAR 1793
d: 17 FEB 1840
  • 3 MAR 1793 - Birth - ; Manea near Doddington, England. This is the date of baptism, birth date unknown
  • 17 FEB 1840 - Death - ; Manea near Doddington, England
John Welcher
ABT 1751 - 28 APR 1825
Robert Welcher
3 MAR 1793 - 17 FEB 1840
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) John Welcher
BirthABT 1751Manea near Doddington, England
Death28 APR 1825 Manea near Doddington, England
Marriage1 OCT 1775to Elizabeth Merrington at St Nicholas Church, Manea near Doddington, Cambridgeshire, England. Witnesses Edward Howlet & William Mason
PARENT (F) Elizabeth Merrington
Marriage1 OCT 1775to John Welcher at St Nicholas Church, Manea near Doddington, Cambridgeshire, England. Witnesses Edward Howlet & William Mason
MWilliam Welcher
Birth14 APR 1781St Nicholas, Manea. This is the date of baptism, birth date unknown
FElizabeth Welcher
Birth13 JUL 1783NB: This could be the Elizabeth who married John Plowman in 1812 or the Elizabeth who died in infancy and was buried in
Marriage23 JUN 1812to John Plowman at Manea Church. Witnesses William Welcher & mary ??
MAbraham Welcher
Birth3 NOV 1776St Nicholas, Manea. This is the date of baptism, birth date unknown
FMary Welcher
Birth17 AUG 1787Baptism date 17 June 1788. Manea near Doddington, England.
Death24 JUL 1878'in grave with R R Burrows'
MWilliam Welcher
Birth23 JAN 1791(Date of baptism)
Marriage24 OCT 1820to Mary Burrows at Manea Church. Witness Ann Hopkins & William Moate
MRobert Welcher
Birth3 MAR 1793Manea near Doddington, England. This is the date of baptism, birth date unknown
Death17 FEB 1840Manea near Doddington, England
MRichard Welcher
Birth26 APR 1795Manea near Doddington, England. This is the date of baptism, birth date unknown. The source also gives a date of 26 June
MJohn Welcher , Sr
Birth29 NOV 1778Probably born at Manea - baptised 29 November 1778 at Doddington Church, Cambridgeshire, England
Death29 MAR 1863Primrose Hill, Doddington, England. (Registered 2 April see Doddington Parish Registers but tombstone states 29 March)
Marriage30 MAY 1808to Mary Glenn at Manea Church
[S17193] Microfiches of Manea (Transcripts, 1708-1900, available from the Cambridgeshire Family History Society)