From the account of Robert Skinner DD, Bishop of Bristol, then Oxford, then Worcester, by Allan Maclean Skinner QC:
'(His) fourth son - Samuel, of London, born at Launton, 10th July, 1633 ; buried 6th October, 1709. Married, lst [and] had issue:-
1st.- Anne, eldest daughter, married William Procter, of Epsom, Surrey;
2nd.- Hannah, married David Brattle, Esq.
3rd - Elizabeth, married Ambrose.
Married, 2ndly, in 1681- had one daughter, Frances, who married Christopher Hanbury, Merchant, 1708; and one son, viz. Samuel, Esq., of the parish of St. Leonard, Bromley, county of Middlesex; buried 3rd September, 1757; administration, 14th September, 1758, granted to his relict Catherine, daughter of Elias Russell, of Bromley (aforesaid). Had issue –
1st.-Samuel, of London, named in the will of his grandfather, 1708;
2nd.- Elias, named in the will of his grandfather, 1708;
3rd.- John of St. Botolph, Aldgate, named in the.will of his grandfather, 1708 (of whom presently);
4th.- Russell, died unmarried, of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London;
5th.-Joseph, died unmarried, of the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, county of Middlesex;
6th.-Benjamin, died unmarried, of Bromley.
One daughter - Elizabeth, married Dr. Josiah Cole, of Mark Lane, London.
John (aforesaid) of the parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, in the City of London. Married Mary Rose. Had issue:-
1st- Joseph, of the City of London, and of Wanstead, in the county of
Essex, Esqre., died March, 1797;
2nd - Russell, of Newton House Lymington, county of Hants, Esqre., died 29th December, 1785, of whom hereafter.
[There was] one daughter - Anne, unmarried.
Joseph, of the City of London, and of Wansted, John's eldest son. Married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Captain Thomas Walker, of London, 20th May, 1762, her descendents under a patent, dated 1828, from Garter and from Clarence, King of Arms, quarter her arms with those of Skinner. Had issue:-
1st.- Russell, of Burton Street, Burton Crescent, county of Middlesex,
Esqre, born 17th July, 1765 (living in 1829). Married Mary, (daughter of Thomas Fenn, Esqre, of Ballington, near Sudbury. Had issue.—
1st.- Samuel, born 18th June,1799; died 1st November, 1811.
2nd.- Russell, born 12th January, 1801 ; died following April.
3rd.- Russell, only surviving son, born 3rd June, 1803, Rector of Sweffling, Saxmundham, Suffolk-, (of whom below).
And Mary, born 15th June, 1804; died September following.
2nd- Joseph, married 31st October 1798, to Frances, daughter of Major Godwin, of the East India Company's Service, He died at Ceylon, without issue, 8th February, 1819.
3rd.-Samuel, of Shirley Park, of whom hereafter.
And five daughters - Mary Anne, Catherine, Marienne, Harriett, Sophia.
The above-mentioned Revd. Russell Skinner, of Sidney, Sussex College, Cambridge,
M.A., Rector of Sweffling, elder male representative of the Bishop's fourth son, married Violetta, daughter of Thomas Williams, Esq., of Cowley Grove, near Uxfield, Middlesex (who died January, 1852)-
His only son, Russell Walton Skinner, of Clare Hall, Cambride, B.A., February 25, 1864, is now occupied in sheep farming, in the Argentine Republic, about 200 miles from Buenos Ayres, South America.
His two daughters are Violetta Mary, born at Sweffling, August 4, 1835, who, with Christian zeal, has given her youth to good works; and, in the most catholic spirit, invited to her friendship, and liberally entertained all those young people, who, away from their homes, laboured, for the benefit of the public, in the Great Exhibition of 1862, in a manner, that while it won for her at the time, the title of "the good Miss Skinner," was calculated to do more honour to the name of her illustrious ancestor the Bishop, than any praise which words can give; and that title she well sustained, not only by her affectionate ministrations among them, but also by the tone of several works written by her in order to raise funds to be expended in works of charity. And, secondly, Lucy Judith, born at Sweffling, December 3, 1836; married June 30, 1858, Edmund Harwick Marriott, eldest son of the Rev. Edmund Harwick Marriott, Incumbent of Farnhurst, Haslemere. She died January 13, 1861, leaving two children, Lennard Clement and Lucy Skinner Marriott.
Samuel Skinner, Esqre., of Shirley Park, near Croydon, Surrey (aforesaid) [3rd son of Joseph], born at Wanstead, Essex, 4th July, 1744, was educated at Eton. Sometime Judge of Circuit at Chitoor, Madras. Married 13th June, 1808, Mary, fourth daughter of Robert Routledge, Esqre., of Kirk Mannington, Co. Durliam. The genial tenderness and hearty hospitality of this most gifted lady are touchingly alluded to incidentally in a poem addressed to her niece, in the following stanzas:-
“And those dear days, and those lov'd friends; and 'mid the crowded hall
Of her, whose smile was kindest, and most cherish'd to us all
The hand that held the fairy chain, the lip that wore the spell,
That held our fireside circle, bound, so tenderly, and well.
“Here, as I blend her name with thine, in one and the same breath,
I bless her with a blessing -- with a blessing until death,
For the sorrows she has softened, the sighs that she hath sighed -
For the hearts that she has gladdened, and the eyes that she has dried."
Her memory is preserved also in the hearts of many yet surviving, whose names and station would show the real attractions of her hospitality, not only to the English but also to foreigners. The present Emperor of the French, in his younger days, found a welcome at her house. Barons Humboldt and Denon, attracted by her knowledge of Persian, made her acquaintance abroad. N. P. Willis, the American author, in her charming house at Shirley Park, not only found a home, but a wife. To extend the catalogue, would be to furnish a list of the talented and polished of her day. Many authors presented her with copies of their works. The Rector of Croydon has also testified that the poor had lost most kind friends when she and her loved husband left Shirley Park. She died 21st April, 1855, having mourned her husband’s loss eleven months, he having died 21st May, 1854. Had Issue:-
1st.- Russell Morland.
2nd - Benjamin (died in infancy).
3rd.- Charles Bruce Graeme.
Russell Morland, born 11th April, 1809. Educated at Harrow (where he was a contemporary and friend of Lord Herbert, of Lee, Augustus Stafford, etc.), and Trinity College, Cambridge. Presented with an appointment to the Bengal Civil Service, A.D. 1829. Sometime Judge of Kishnaghur.
Married, 6th October, 1830, Louisa, daughter of Charles Becher, Esqre., B.C.S., of Chancellor House, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Her brother, Lieut-Col. Chas. Becher, commanding 8th Irregulars, Cavalry, Bengal, was highly mentioned by Lord Gough, Sir Charles Napier, etc, and died in pursuit of Tantia Topee. Issue - seven sons, and two daughters:-
1st, - Charles Bruce, born 7th August, 1834. The following lines were addressed to him when he was nearly four years old, as seated on the ground, with a small basket of flowers, he formed them into a boat, and, tying a rose to a green silk thread, he lowered it, saying -"See my anchor!”
Let thy flowery bark sail on, fair child
Push thy vessel from the shore;
For eyes of brighiter blue ne'er smiled
On so fair a freight before.
The wind will woo it lovingly,
And the ripple bear it on,
While thou wilt stand and laugh to see
Its proress - happy one!
The fairy helm is a jasmine spray
Covered with starry bloom;
The sail is a purple Iris gay,
With its tribute of rich perfume.
The anchor, attached by a silken string,
To serve at the jourrney's close,
Is nature's fairest and sweetest thing,
A half unfolded rose!
Laugh on, thou young and lovely child,
With that bright and beaming brow,
Which no touch of earth has yet defil'd,
Whv should we tell thee now,
How many there are who recklessly,
In this fair world of ours,
Sport with the heart's most lovely throes
As thou dost with thy flowers!
Shirley Park, 4th July, 1838.
"The boy who hangs on yonder stream,
Has talents far above his years,
He gilds the father's daily dream,
And wakes a mother's hopes and fears.
A rose, a silken thread had held,
Fell in the stream and sailed along,
The boy with eager look beheld,
Then murmured as with poet's tongue,
'Behold the anchor, which shall glide
My infant bark through life's career-
The lightning from the silk shall glide,
The rose shall warn when danger's near."'
By Sir George Duckett.
He showed such a talent for sculpture, as a boy, that R. Westmacott encouraged him to pursue that art. He was so good an artist that one of his drawings still ornaments his schoolmaster's room. At Haileybury and Calcutta Colleges he was distinguished, and carried off prizes in Persian. He was a most active magistrate and most efficient officer. Subjoined is an account of his early and laniented death, which occurred on the 16th February, 1863, communicated in a letter to his father, from Alonso Money, Esqre., Commissioner of Bhaugalpore. - “Your son, C. B. Skinner, has, it appears, been suffering for a long time from disease of the heart. A violent attack came on yesterday in the afternoon; and in the evening he died. The service has lost a good officer; and all who knew him deplore the loss of a kind-hearted gentleman.
Married, Ist - 3rd June, 1857 - Harriette Catherine, daughter of Lieut.Col. T. C. Tudor. Born 14th November, 1838; died 23rd October, 1860. Issue:-
1st.-Bruce Morland, born 3rd April, 1858.
2nd,-Evelyn Colin, born 12th October, 1860.
Married, 2ndly - 24th May, 1861 - Harriet West, daughter of Revd. J. C. Browne, Vicar of Dudley, Worcestershire. Issue:- Ernest Edward Becher, born 28th May, 1862.
2nd son [of Russell Morland] - Russell Morland, born 11th October, 1837.
Whose career up to this time is shown below:-
At the request of Lieut. R. M. Skinner, late 56th N.I., who served under my command, during the years of the mutiny 1857, and 1858, I have pleasure in recording that he performed his duty well, in three actions, in the Teraie, under the Kemaon Hills; and it was reported to me, that in the latter (the battle of Cherpoorah), he saved the life of' his commanding officer, Major Baugh, who commanded the Goorkah contingent, to which Lieut. Skinner was attached.
J. R. McCausland, Brigadier,
Commanding Gwalior District.
H Collier, Lieut
H M 8th Hussars
31, July, 1860.
8th, Oct. 1861.
Consequent on the departure of Lieut Adjt. Wynter, on leave to Calcutta, with a view to obtaining six months medical certificate to the Nielgherries, may I request the favor of your pressing on his honor, the Lieut. Governor, the urgency of' appointing another officer to that situation, the Corps being under orders to take the field, and my having no efficient officer among the uncovenanted men to fill that post. I trust 1 may be excused for bringing to your notice the name of a young officer, who is out of employ at this station, (Lieut. R. M. Skinner, late 56th N. I.) who would accept the appointment. I have known Lieut. Skinner, for many months as Adjutant of the late Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, and I can vouch for his being an intelligent, smart, and painstaking officer; and I am certain would prove in acquisition to the force, either in its present or amended form, and being on the spot, may perhaps prove a convenience. I shall be very glad to have Lieut. Skinner as Adjutant, should the above recommendation be of any service, and there be no other officer available.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant,
Major Commanding Bengal Police Battalion
To Major RATTRAY, 8th Hussars.
Inspector General of Police Battalion, -
Lower Provinces.
No. 6.
Having been requested by Lieut. R. M. Skinner, 56th Regiment, N. I., Adjutant, and acting 2nd in command of the Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, to furnish him with a certificate, I do so with much pleasure, but at the same time with diffidence, as this officer has already been recommended to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, by no less a person than Major Becher, (septimus) Deputy Adjutant General, that alone I consider a sufficient guarantee for his aptness to fill any appointment that his Excellency might be pleased to confer upom him, as I feel sure that Major Becher would never bring any but deserving officers to Sir Hugh Rose's notice. And as it further appears that Lieut.R. M. Skinner, in an engagement with the rebels during the mutiny, saved his commanding officer's life, at the risk of his own; that noble act speaks for itself; however, where possibly my statement may be of utility is, that I can conscientiously say that Lieut. R. M. Skinner is perfectly conversant with his duties of Adjutant of an Irregular Cavalry Regiment; and that he has thoroughly mastered the Cavalry Drill, which is the more creditable to him, as he belongs to the Infantry Branch of the Service. Lieut. Skinner has, moreover, conducted his duties to the entire satisfaction of Captain G. Ferris, H. M. 97th Regiment, late commanding Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, as I have frequently heard Captain Ferris express himself in the most flattering terms of this officer's assiduity, in which commendation I can justly join.
Signed: H. COLLIER, Lieut.
H. M. 8th Hussars.
15th June, 1861.
No. 7.
9th July, 1861
With reference to your application of the 16th and 17th ultimo, for re-employment, and the intercession of Major-General A Becher, C.B., for you to receive the appointment of Acting-Adjutant to the Left Wing Of the Mynpoorie Levy, his Excellency desires me to state that he has been much pleased with your good statement of services, and consequently accedes to your wish to remain with that Corps; and, further, that when you wish to leave Dorundah, you are to report to me, in view to his Excellency's giving your case due consideration for further employment.
I have, the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant, Signed, H Collier, Lieut,
H. S. ST. JOHN, Major, H M 8th Hussars
Military Secretary to Sir Hugh Rose, G. C.B.,
Commander-in- Chief in India.
Lieut. R. M. SKINNER,
Adjutant late Ramgurh Cavalry, -Dorundah.
The following Certificates which were forwarded to the M ilitary Secetary to the
Commander-in- Chief, had not been returned by him, and duplicates could not be obtained, as the officers had left India.
1st. From the Deputy-Adjutant-General of the Army, who was on the spot, and heard of Lieut. Skinner's good services.
2nd. Col. J. Graham, Commanding 29th N.I., (who recommended him for the Victoria Cross.)
3rd. Major Baugh, Commanding Goorkah Contingent, alluded to in Certificates Nos. 4 and 6.)
R. M. SKINNER, Iate 56th N I
DORUNDAH, 18th,February, 1862.
February11th, 1858.
(v. Certificate 4.)
The enemy have threatened us on two sides for a long time, so we started off at l0 o'clock p.m. of the 9tb instant, to meet them, and marched to a place 17 miles off, where they were entrenched; we arrived here at about 6 o'clock in the morning. They were expecting some of the party that were encamped on the left side of us, to pay them a visit that very morning, and when their cavalry regiment saw us coming, who were dressed the same as theirs, they fancied we were their friends, and came forward to meet us, but directly they came closer, and found out their mistake, they bolted off to their camp, and gave the alarm; but we had time to fall in and fire a couple of rounds of Shrapnel into them before they had turned out; but when they did begin firing, they did it in earnest. They opened five guns on us, and as we had only two, they got the best of it for sometime, until we disabled their 9-pounders, which were playing on us beautifully, as you may imagine, when I tell you Capt. M -, who commanded one gun, had his hat knocked off his head by one round shot, another grazed his foot and lamed the gunner standing next him, and a third hit one of the wheels of the gun. A man was bowled over on my left, and another shot went so close over my head, that if I had not stooped down it would have done for me, They fired 80 rounds at us with their guns ; we fired about 50 rounds, and then we got the order to charge. The jungle was frightfully thick, and yet so low that they could see us going along the whole way, and kept turning the guns on our left, and firing the grape at us until we got at their flank, while about 500 of the 66th Goorkhas charged them in front. They did not run away as usual, but fought it out at their guns. They came rushing out of their huts, and cut at us with their tulwars. Baugh was nearly polished off. He and I were about the
first into the camp. A man had got hold of his horse's reins, and was just potting him
with his blunderbuss, when I rushed up and seized hold of his gun with my left hand,
and cut him down with my sword in the other hand. They fought like demons; just as
bad as the street fighting at Delhi or Lucknow. There were officers who were there,
who had seen lots of service; and they said they were never in such a smart engagement
It seems a great pity we are obliged to stay up here, when our troops are fighting hard and getting knocked about down below. We expect, however, to go down in.a few
days, directly the force from Delhi marches into Rohilcund. I broke my sword over a rebel's head the other day, and, would you believe it, 1 did not kill him? However, I killed one or two others. Here is an account of the affair:- A report reached us that a party, consisting of 1200 bad characters, had arrived at Huldwani (about twelve miles from this), which was confirmed by our seeing all the villagers running up the hill with all their effects, so we all assembled at the appointed place, and held a Council of War. They determined on converting twenty officers into cavalry (amongst which I had the honour to be), and making these join the thirty men of the 8tb Irregulars, who accompanied their officers up here, and about ten other officers, were made to go along with the Goorkhas. Our little force altogether consisted of 20 Volunteer Cavalry, 30 Irregulars (8th), 180 Goorkhas, l00 Levies, altogether 330 in number; but the Levies were not worth much, as they consisted of Bearers, Coolies, and others of the same class, who (had the enemy made anything of a resistance) would have fled at a place half way down the hill at dark, where we rested till ten o'clock next morning, when we again advanced till we got to the beginning of the Jungle. Here we halted again, and Captain Baugh and I were sent with four Sewars to go to reconnoitre. Directly we saw the enemy we halted till the column came up, and then we all advanced together, cavalry in front, until we got within about 200 yards of them. The order was given to charge, so on we rushed, expecting to have a good fight; but the enemy waited till we got close, and then went to the right about and ran away as hard as they could. However, we killed upwards of 100 of them, only one man killed and two or three wounded on our side.
We are now encamped at Huldwani, where we had the fight in September. I have been posted to do duty with a regiment of Goorkas, which has been sent down to us. It, however, only consists of 250 men; but they fight well. We had an opportunity of trying them on the 1st of the month. We were seated quietly at breakfast, not expecting any attack, when a man rushed in and said that the enemy's Sewars had arrived. Well, we turned out and remained under arms for about half an hour, whilst two officers went to reconnoitre. They came across three or four Sewars, who fired at them, and then disappeared. We had scarcely time to fall in before some round shot came flying over our heads; in fact, we were fairly taken by surprise. We had no guns to return their fire, so we let them play on while we were being posted in our respective positions. I had to hold a bridge against any charge of cavalry, which, with forty or fifty inexperienced soldiers (for our new Goorkhas do not know their drill yet) was no easy matter; however, luckily, the enemy had not the courage to charge. As soon as we had collected some 200 men together, we charged their guns; but the enemy only waited to give us a couple of charges of grape, and then fled with their guns. They were about 1500 strong, with Irregular Cavalry and two guns, and we only had 500 men, with no cavalry, and no guns, yet we followed them and did not lose a single man!
Married, August, 1859 - Maria Josephine, daughter of John Dumergus, Esqre., late Judge of Allyghur, Bengal. Issue:-
1st.- Jobn Charles Morland, born 1st July, 1860.
2nd.- Bruce Frederick, born 22nd June, 1863; died 12th October, 1864.
3rd.-Helen Louisa, born 13th February, 1865.
3rd son [of Russell Morland].- Cortlandt, born 3rd September, 1839; educated at Sandurst; presented with a Commission in H. M. 19th Foot, in 1859 - Lieutenant, 25th January, 1862.
4th son [of Russell Morland]- Evelyn Swinton, born 29th January, 1843; educated at Harrow; entered the Madras Army in 1860 - Licutenant, 3rd Madras Light Infantry, July, 1862.
5th son [of Russell Morland] -James Tierney, born 26th July, 1845; E. M. 18th Royal Irish, 1864; gained his commission by competition at the Royal Military College Sandhurst, in one year; and I subsequently obtained an Extra First-class Certificate at the School of Musketry at Fleetwood, 1865.
6th son [of Russell Morland]- Edmund Grey, born 29th January, 1850.
7th son [of Russell Morland]- Becher, born 25th October, 1851.
8th.-Louisa Routledge, died October, 1837.
9th.-Mary Emily.
3rd son [of Samuel Skinner, brother of Russell Morland Skinner].-Charles Bruce Graeme, born 20th October, 1816; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. Published Sketches in Norway," "Norwegian Tales," “Transfer of-Land Bill," &c. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, November 17th, 1841. Now Judge of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia. Married Louise Gertrude, daughter of Thomas B. Swinhoe, Esqre., SolicitorGeneral of H.E.I.C.S. Issue-Six Sons and one Daughter:
1st - Russell Grey, born June 25th, 1845.
2nd.-Edward Morland, born March 8th, 1847.
3rd.-William Henry Stock, born June 20th, 1850, R.N. Midshipman, H.M.S. Britannia.
4th.-George Lindsay.
5th.-Charles Ross.
6th.-Allan Swinton.
7th.-Ida May.
Russell Skinner, of Newton House (aforesaid) sometime of the Honourable East India Company's Civil Service, married, 1771, Mary Page, and by her (who survived him, and was buried at Camerton, in the county of Somerset, 1837) he had issue, ten children. He died in 1785, and was buried at Boldre Church. On his grave was the following inscription:-
In this Vault were deposited
on the
29th Dec. 1785, the remains of
of Newton House,
His imtegrity in commercial affairs
His virtues in domestic life
His uprightness as a Magistrate,
exact, amiable, unbiased, and exemplary.
The following were his children:-
1st.- Russell, sometime of Queen's College, Oxon, born 1771, died 1832; buried at Camerton, aforesaid; married, in 1795, Sarah Humby, and had issue, one child only (Selina), who died a spinster, 1815.
2nd.- John, of Trinity College, Oxon, Rector of Camerton, M.A., and F.A.S., born 1772; died 1839, and was buried at Camerton, he was Student of Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 29, 1794. He married, in 1805, Anne, eldest daughter of Joseph Holmes, Esqre., and bad issue, six children, viz:-
lst.-Laura, born 1806, died 1820.
2nd.-Fitzowen George, born and died in 1807.
3rd.- Fitzowen, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and sometime of Trinity College, Oxon, M.A., born 29th February, 1808.
4th.-Anna, born 16th February, 1809, married in the year 1839, to W. R. A. Boyle, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and has issue, two sons and two daughters.
5th.-Joseph Henry, born 12th May, 1810; died a bachelor, February, 1833, and buried at Camerton.
6th.-Eliza Tertia, born 7th June, 1811 ; died 2nd February, 1812.
3rd.-Marianne, born 1774, died unmarried, December 1815, and buried in Clerkenwell burying-ground.
4th.-Edward, born 1775, killed by a fall from a tree, 1792, whilst serving as Midshipman aboard the Iphigenia frigate; buried at Milford Haven
5th.-Eliza, born 1776, died unmarried, 1812; buried at Hertford.
6th.-William North born 1777, died S.P., 1823, buried at Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire. Married Charlotte Jane, only daughter of Lieut-Col. Parslow.
7th.-Laura, born 1778, died S.P., 1823, buried at Camerton (aforesaid). Married Henry Manningham, of the Foreign Office, Esqre.
8th.-Henry, Lieutenant in the Honourable East India Company's Military Service, born 1780, died a bachelor, 1801, on vovage from India.
9th.-Fitzowen George, Post Captain, R.N., born 1782, died unmarried, May, 23, 1810, buried at Hertford.
10th.-Emma, born 1783, died a spinster, 1812; buried at Hertford.
Lines by the Rev. John Skinner, on the death of his brother, Edward Skinner, who while serving Midshipman in the Iphegenia frigate, stationed off Milford Haven, was killed by a fall from a tree, which he had climbed whilst sporting with some of his shipmates on shore, A.D. 1792.
Scenes of past joys - oh! why, unbidden, rise
In quick succession thus on mem’ry's glass -
Ceaseless ye flit, whilst tears bedim mine eyes,
And sobs, not smiles, record you as ye pass;
For while I, sorrowing, muse with edge as keen,
And look as rankling as fell Parthian's dart,
Remembrance shoots from ambuscade unseen,
And plants fresh sorrows in my bleeding heart.
From cypress shades, in blackest garb of woe,
Let memory rather call afflictive pain,
Renew past pangs, bid briny torrents flow,
And let my father's loss be mourned again;
But now past joys, like Job's false friends, intrude
In mockery come to irritate my sore,
Instead of balm to soothe my solitude,
They add fresh throbs to wounds scarce heal'd before.
Can sunshine please, bright beaming thro' his grate,
The pining wretch in dreary dungeon pent ?
Can dream of plenty hunger's pangs abate?
Or the void purse atone for treasures spent?
Ah, no, in grief the retrospect alone
Of comforts lost imparts a pang severe;
The mind, retentive, counts them one by one,
Bathing each former treasure with a tear.
Thus, my dear Edward, while in sad review,
Return the thoughts of joys untimely cros't,
And all the halcyon days our boyhood knew,
I mourn you deeply, but myself the most;
From earliest childhood was our friendship tried,
Our love was ever genial, glad, and gay,
Ever you ran to gambol at my side,
Leaving for me the comrades of your play.
For who at school, like your lov'd brother, shared
Your favorite pastimes, or with ready hand
Your bow and arrows, kite, and balls prepared,
Repair'd your hoop, or brought your boat to land?
Or when fatigued, these glad diversions o'er,
And evening came, we sought repose in bed;
Sweet were our slumbers then, we wish'd no more
'Than on one pillow both to rest the head.
And hand in hand, how light we tripp'd along,
Thro' Newtown's glades when spring the hawthorn drest
In budding gems, or listen'd to the song
Of blithesome blackbird thrilling near his nest.
Can I forget the time when packet bore*
Two sorrowing exiles from their fost’ring home,
When our dim eyes had lost fair England’s shore,
And night clos'd in with more than usual gloom ?
Whilst the light bark heel'd over to and fro,
Adding fresh sufferings to our state forlorn,
Confin’d in cot the night we pass'd below,
A hell of torment till returning morn?
Ah, then how you, my dearest Edward, strove
To veil your deathlike sickness, mental pain;
Thoughtful alone for me, your anxious love
For my convenience thought, nor thought in vain.
Or when those many dreary moons we dwelt
'Mongst Holland's sordid sons, how oft to thee
Confiding every pang my bosom felt,
I drew the sacred balm of sympathy;
And, oh, my brother, friend, companion dear,
What selfish demon could have sway'd my brain,
Home to have sail’d and left thee sorrowing there,
But that I felt we soon should meet again.
No, Edward, no; yet still that mournful look,
When I recall those tears which flow'd so fast,
That squeeze presaging when my hand you took,
All, all foretold that parting was our last.
It was our last, indeed, and never more
Sball I his sweet smile see, his sweet voice hear,
Pluck'd like a flower he fell on Milford's shore
Without a friend to sorrow o'er his bier.
*The two brothers sailed together for Holland in the year 1788, to be under a private tutor at Moordwyk, to learn the modern languages. The elder returned to England, in the year 1790, to matriculate at Oxford, and the brothers never met again.
But was there none? oh, yes; his shipmates all
(They must have been his friends), they mourning shed
The bitter tear to view his fatal fall,
One instant smiling, the next instant dead.
Had the brave boy, contending 'gainst the foe,
For Britain's honour nobly fought and died,
This had in part allay'd his brotlier's woe,
It was his wish, and might have been my pride.
But agonizing thought, that native fire
Which had already shone in battle's rage,
Had urged his soul to hazard and acquire
The meed that works the heroes of our age,
Was in a moment quench'd - his comrades saw
And chid his daring - anxious to excel,
He gained the pine tree's top, in silent awe
They gazed, and shudd’ring as they gazed, he crashing fell.
And oh, did not the spacious harbour round,
Re-echo the deep groan his shipmates made,
When rushing quick to raise him from the ground,
They found the gen'rous youth, their lov'd conipadion, dead
Hail, Milford Haven, fam'd for plaintive scene,
Our bard immortal drew: who sheds a tear
For the feigned death of beauteous Imogene,
May freely weep for there's no fiction here.
And Edward, fair Fidele, was in truth
As good and virtuous. May then Shakespeare's verse,
So oft recited, note the lovely youth,
And better than my pen his dirge rehearse.
See Cymbeline, Act, 4, Scene 4.
The f'ollowing brief memoir of Lieut. Henry Skinner aforesaid, precedes a copy of verses, penned as a tribute to his memory by his brother, the Rev. John Skinner, in 1802-.
"My brother Henry, who, having served a little more than three years in the army, in India, with the esteem of his brother officers, and with the marked approbation of General Harris, who was well acquainted with his merit, died there of the liver complaint, before he had attained the age of twenty-one years. He felt the first approach of this fatal malady at the Siege of Seringapatam, where he served as Lieutenant in the Cavalry; and finding its ravages increase, after his regiment returned from the field, he procured leave of absence, and came back to England.
In the course of a few weeks, he was so entirely recovered, as to be able to accompany me on a tour through Wales, which I made in the year 1800: and after spending a very pleasant time together, amidst the striking scenery of that most interesting country, we parted at Conway, on the 6th of August. It was his wish to secure the earliest passage to India, in order to rejoin his regiment; but feeling also anxious to visit the inland counties, and the University of Cambridge, he accompanied two gentlemen thither, oh their route from Wales. When taking leave of my dear brother, I fully expected that we should meet again in Somersetshire, previously to his a
sailing, but in this expectation I was disappointed, as, on my return to my mother's, three weeks afterwards, I found that be had already started for Portsmouth, from whence he imediately proceeded on his voyage, and performed it without accident; but in less than a year after his return to India, his old complaint returned, with such violence that he was advised, as
the only chaince of saving his life, to make a voyage to China. With this advice he complied; but was so entirely exhausted that be died on the passage off the Andamans Before he sailed, he wrote me a letter wherein he expressed himself fully sensible of his danger; and another I received from his friend Strachey (who accompanied him) shortly after, confirmed my apprehensions, and informed me of the irreparable loss I had sustained. Mr. Strachey's communication is so feelingly expressive of his own regard and testifies so strongly the general opinion entertained of my brotber's worth, that I conclude my brief account with a copy of it.
“FORT ST. GEORGE, 30th January, 1802.
My Dear Sir,
The sooner I tell you your loss, and in the fewer words the better. Notwithstanding the foolish hopes I entertained, you will, I trust, be better prepared to hear of poor Henry’s death. He died the 4th of November, off the Andamans, completely exhausted. For the first week of his voyage he continued to get better; but his disease returned, and never again left him till it prevailed. God bless him, and those those who grieve for him. The praises of the dead are always the same. I shall not, therefore, weary you with trite eulogies respecting your brother, but only say he was a favorite with all who knew him. Years will roll on, and he will be forgotten by many of his companions; but it will be my pleasure to remember him to my last hour; and I will trust the thought of my meeting him again will be one of my comforts then as it is now.
This letter will enable you to break the news to your mother and sisters, as there is little doubt of its arrival in England before any other can reach them. God Almigbtv bless them.
Yours most truly,
Lines in memory of Lieut. Henry Skinner, by his brother, the Rev. John Skinner.
When autumn walks his annual round,
Despoils our groves and russet ground
Thick strews with wither'd leaves;
Or when bleeds fatling of the flock,
Or reapers bind the ripen'd sliock,
It is not then one grieves.
Nor when within her tranquil breast,
His troubles o'er, his labours ceas'd,
Our mother earth receives
The corpse of some age-burthen'd sire,
Whose hopes to brighter realms aspire,
It is not then one grieves.
But when with well earn'd praise elate,
Some youthful warrior meets his fate
Upon the ensanguin'd plain;
Wbilst his fond friends twixt hope and dread,
The fight's result refuse to read,
Or note the list of slain.
Too soon the fatal news arrives,
No more the darling hero lives,
No more will he return;
Amidst the tears his kindred shed,
Due to the merits of the dead,
Can we forbear to mourn?
If others losses can suffice
To force warm tribute from our eyes,
With pangs our bosoms rend;
Must not our hearts be rent yet more,
When we the untimely death deplore
Of brother and of friend ?
Oh, yes, and now a second time
Sucb loss seeks record in my rhyme,
More lasting, tho' impress'd;
The mem'ry of past woes remains,
Of Eclward's fall, and dying pains
Of Henry-in my breast.
Brothers alike both good and brave,
Yet both within the narrow grave
By stranger bands were laid
No brother, relative, was nigh
To smooth the bier, or heave a sigh
O'er each departed shade.
Edward, on Milford Haven's coast,
l,ike flow'ret cropt by biting frost,
A palsied victim lay;
Whilst Henry, parch'd by torrid fire,
Would fain to cooler climes retire,
Retiring pin'd away.
But 'ere reluctantly he sped,
When withering sickness droop'd his head,
From India’s fatal shore;
'Gainst Tippoo's force in tented field,
His noble arm his sword could wield
Amidst the canon's roar.
His charger skilfully could rein,
Or urge him o'er the ensanguin'd plain,
Whilst sepoys skirmish’d wide;
Nor halted till from city wall
His steed receiv'd a musket ball,
And 'neath his master died.
The sultan fallen, his spoil the prize
Of such as brav'd those sultry skies,
A poor return indeed ;
For, say what power exists in wealth,
To compensate for loss of health,
Or stanch the wounds that bleed.
Exhausted by this sharp campaign,
And struggling with disease and pain,
To England he returned;
Hoping amidst her groves to share
The comforts of her bracing air,
And sun which milder burn'd.
Like fam'd Alceus, as the earth
He touch'd which gave his vigour birth,
He instantly reviv'd;
With health and spirits soon restor'd,
Awhile he shared my frugal board,
And in my cottage liv'd.
When oft be spoke of Brahmin's race,
Their modes of worship, forms, and face,
Their temples, tombs, and streams;
Their caves and sculptur’d deities,
That glare on rash intruders' eyes,
Like shades in Fancy's dreams.
Oft then reflection backwards ran,
And strove to trace the tribes of man,
Which peopl'd earth's domain;
Which drove their herds from Asia's sands,
To spread o'er Europe's verdant lands,
And Egypt's fertile plain.
Conversing thus, we longed to see
Samples of dark idolatry,
By Scythian's wanderers brought
To Greece, and thence to Mona's isle,
Whose carnedds, circles, Cromlech pile,
Proclaim where Druids taught.
So soon we cross'd hoarse Severn's tide,
Travers'd those steppes extending wide,
Where freedom's flag unfurl'd,
The untam’d Britons long withstood,
Fenc'd by their mountains, vales, and wood,
The victors of the world.
Across the straits of Mona's shore,
The mystic shades we next explore,
Where dauntless Druid stood;
Whilst Roman falchions wildly gleamed,
Midst crackling flames, and altars steamed
With noblest British blood.
Bangor next past, whose sacred fane
Was spoil'd by Glendower's lawless train,
We Conway's turret view;
Here much for pleasing thought I found,
Whilst traversing its ancient ground,
But much for sorrow, too.
For Henry’s voice here last I heard,
Here last his kind affection shar'd,
Here last I rung his hand;
When parting from the ferry's side,
I watch'd his vessel stem the tide,
And mournful left the strand.
His active spirit ill could bear
Idly to breathe his native air;
Whilst others bore the toil.
And generous ardour press'd him on
To meet among the fainting throng
Pale death on Asia's shore.
Fondly I'd hop'd it parents' seat
Again his much lov'd voice to greet,
Revisiting my home.
For Henry absent from my side,
It seem’d but dull and drear to ride,
And further on to roam.
But when three weeks but scarcely o'er,
Way worn I gain'd my mother's door,
'Twas still, and silent all;
No sound of joy or festive mirth,
Of kindred round the social hearth,
Or menials in the hall.
Henry was gone! and not one smile
The gloom of sorrow could beguile;
But downcast and alone
Each brother griev'd for brother, kind
Sister for friend in friendship joined,
And mother for her son.
Alas! too prosp’rous blew the gales,
Too swift from port the vessel sails,
And down the channel borne;
Too soon bless'd Albion disappears,
Prophetic fall the exile's tears,
Gone never to return.
His safety from the treacherous main,
Expecting comrades' hail in vain,
Arrived on Gange's shore.
For tho' escap'd the raging seas,
Too soon within, that fell disease,
Worse rages than before.
Arid tbo' lov'd youth, I was denied,
The loving care to tend thy side,
And close thy darkening eyes;
Tho’ seas immeasurably flow
‘Twixt you and me, my feelings shew
Affection never dies.
And in bright realms and happier day
Reliev'd from this dull load of clay,
I fervently aspire
To greet thy kindred soul above,
And join in hymning songs of love
Before the Eternal Sire.
The following obituary notice of Capt. Fitzowen George Skinner, appeared on his death.
“Captain Skinner was sent to sea at the age of eleven, with Sir Harry Burrard Neale, on board the Saint Fiorenzo frigate, and was with him when he brought his ship, with so much judgment, from among the mutineers of the Nore. He was also with Sir H B. Neale when, in company with the Amelia, he fought three French frigates on the coast of France, but which escaped, in consequence of the latter being disabled, and their being so close to the French ports. Seven years after, be was promoted, by George the Third at Weymouth. His captain, finding him an admirable officer, in 1804 succeeded in getting him made a commander. On the breaking out of the war, after the short of Anvers, Captain Skinner continually made offer of his services, and in 1808 was appointed to the Hindostan, 24 guns and 150 men, employed as a store ship in victualling the fleet of Sir Charles Cotton, then blockading Lisbon. In the autumn of that year he was appointed to the Goldfinch, of 10 guns and 74 men, a class of vessels intended for the destruction of small French privateers, infesting the Straits of Dover. In this vessel, on the 18th May, 1809, cruising, off Bilboa in the night, he fell in with a large French corvette of 20 guns, La Mouche, which he engaged about 3. am and continued in close engagement till 8, when the French captain took advantage of a breeze to escape; the Goldfinch, from damage to the masts and rigging, being unable to pursue. Captain Skinner had three men killed and twelve wounded. A few davs later, the corvette was taken off St. Andero by the Amelia, Captain Irby, who, in his letter to the Admiralty, made honorable mention of Captain Skinner's spirited conduct.
The corvette, in action with the Goldfinch, lost two men killed and nine wounded. Captain Skinner received the most flattering letters from the Admiral of the Fleet and the Port Admiral, and before he returned from his subsequent voyage to Cadiz, the Admiralty appointed him to the Trinculo, just launched, and one of the finest sloops in the service; but, unhappily, returning from Cadiz he caught a severe cold, through his considerate kindness to a gentleman, a guest of his, affected with asthma, in keeping open his cabin window. His disease was much worse by the time he was off Falmouth, and lie incurred much bad weather in October, from his anxiety to hasten the delivery of despatches from the Marquis Wellesley, then at Seville. In making use of a speaking trumpet, in a gale of wind, he broke a blood-vessel; he, however, proceeded to Portsmoutb, and had nearly fitted out his ship, when the blood-vessel again breaking, he gradually declined and died at Hertford, May 23rd, 1810. He was admirable as an officer, unremitting in his attention to his duty, with perfect knowledge of his profession, and the greatest intrepidity. He was always anxious for the comfort of his crew; on board his ship he never allowed the meanest cabin boy to be struck, and, perhaps, there was no other in which there were so few punisbments.- Gentlelman's Maqazine, vol. 80, 2nd part, page 88 - 1810
Fitzowen Skinner, of Lincoln's Inn aforesaid, [grandson of Russell Skinner of Newton House] married 22nd February, 1838, Laura Eliza, second daughter of the Revd. John Francis Stuart, Rector of Lower Gravenhurst, in the County of Bedfordshire, and has issue by her, six children, viz.:-
1st.- Fitzowen John, of Trinity College, Oxon, M.A.C. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, born December, 1838.
2nd.-Laura, born January, 1840.
3rd.-Russell, Captain in Her Majesty's 37th Regiment of Foot, January 5, 1866, having received his commission from Sandhurst in the year 1860, gaining the First Prize in Mathematics; born March, 1842.
4th.-John Francis, born April, 1843.
5th.-Robert George, born December, 1844, gone out as a Colonist to New Zealand.
6th.-Stephen, born January, 1846.
So numerous are the male representatives of the Bishop's 4th son Samuel.'
'(His) fourth son - Samuel, of London, born at Launton, 10th July, 1633 ; buried 6th October, 1709. Married, lst [and] had issue:-
1st.- Anne, eldest daughter, married William Procter, of Epsom, Surrey;
2nd.- Hannah, married David Brattle, Esq.
3rd - Elizabeth, married Ambrose.
Married, 2ndly, in 1681- had one daughter, Frances, who married Christopher Hanbury, Merchant, 1708; and one son, viz. Samuel, Esq., of the parish of St. Leonard, Bromley, county of Middlesex; buried 3rd September, 1757; administration, 14th September, 1758, granted to his relict Catherine, daughter of Elias Russell, of Bromley (aforesaid). Had issue –
1st.-Samuel, of London, named in the will of his grandfather, 1708;
2nd.- Elias, named in the will of his grandfather, 1708;
3rd.- John of St. Botolph, Aldgate, named in the.will of his grandfather, 1708 (of whom presently);
4th.- Russell, died unmarried, of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London;
5th.-Joseph, died unmarried, of the parish of St. Dunstan, Stepney, county of Middlesex;
6th.-Benjamin, died unmarried, of Bromley.
One daughter - Elizabeth, married Dr. Josiah Cole, of Mark Lane, London.
John (aforesaid) of the parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, in the City of London. Married Mary Rose. Had issue:-
1st- Joseph, of the City of London, and of Wanstead, in the county of
Essex, Esqre., died March, 1797;
2nd - Russell, of Newton House Lymington, county of Hants, Esqre., died 29th December, 1785, of whom hereafter.
[There was] one daughter - Anne, unmarried.
Joseph, of the City of London, and of Wansted, John's eldest son. Married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Captain Thomas Walker, of London, 20th May, 1762, her descendents under a patent, dated 1828, from Garter and from Clarence, King of Arms, quarter her arms with those of Skinner. Had issue:-
1st.- Russell, of Burton Street, Burton Crescent, county of Middlesex,
Esqre, born 17th July, 1765 (living in 1829). Married Mary, (daughter of Thomas Fenn, Esqre, of Ballington, near Sudbury. Had issue.—
1st.- Samuel, born 18th June,1799; died 1st November, 1811.
2nd.- Russell, born 12th January, 1801 ; died following April.
3rd.- Russell, only surviving son, born 3rd June, 1803, Rector of Sweffling, Saxmundham, Suffolk-, (of whom below).
And Mary, born 15th June, 1804; died September following.
2nd- Joseph, married 31st October 1798, to Frances, daughter of Major Godwin, of the East India Company's Service, He died at Ceylon, without issue, 8th February, 1819.
3rd.-Samuel, of Shirley Park, of whom hereafter.
And five daughters - Mary Anne, Catherine, Marienne, Harriett, Sophia.
The above-mentioned Revd. Russell Skinner, of Sidney, Sussex College, Cambridge,
M.A., Rector of Sweffling, elder male representative of the Bishop's fourth son, married Violetta, daughter of Thomas Williams, Esq., of Cowley Grove, near Uxfield, Middlesex (who died January, 1852)-
His only son, Russell Walton Skinner, of Clare Hall, Cambride, B.A., February 25, 1864, is now occupied in sheep farming, in the Argentine Republic, about 200 miles from Buenos Ayres, South America.
His two daughters are Violetta Mary, born at Sweffling, August 4, 1835, who, with Christian zeal, has given her youth to good works; and, in the most catholic spirit, invited to her friendship, and liberally entertained all those young people, who, away from their homes, laboured, for the benefit of the public, in the Great Exhibition of 1862, in a manner, that while it won for her at the time, the title of "the good Miss Skinner," was calculated to do more honour to the name of her illustrious ancestor the Bishop, than any praise which words can give; and that title she well sustained, not only by her affectionate ministrations among them, but also by the tone of several works written by her in order to raise funds to be expended in works of charity. And, secondly, Lucy Judith, born at Sweffling, December 3, 1836; married June 30, 1858, Edmund Harwick Marriott, eldest son of the Rev. Edmund Harwick Marriott, Incumbent of Farnhurst, Haslemere. She died January 13, 1861, leaving two children, Lennard Clement and Lucy Skinner Marriott.
Samuel Skinner, Esqre., of Shirley Park, near Croydon, Surrey (aforesaid) [3rd son of Joseph], born at Wanstead, Essex, 4th July, 1744, was educated at Eton. Sometime Judge of Circuit at Chitoor, Madras. Married 13th June, 1808, Mary, fourth daughter of Robert Routledge, Esqre., of Kirk Mannington, Co. Durliam. The genial tenderness and hearty hospitality of this most gifted lady are touchingly alluded to incidentally in a poem addressed to her niece, in the following stanzas:-
“And those dear days, and those lov'd friends; and 'mid the crowded hall
Of her, whose smile was kindest, and most cherish'd to us all
The hand that held the fairy chain, the lip that wore the spell,
That held our fireside circle, bound, so tenderly, and well.
“Here, as I blend her name with thine, in one and the same breath,
I bless her with a blessing -- with a blessing until death,
For the sorrows she has softened, the sighs that she hath sighed -
For the hearts that she has gladdened, and the eyes that she has dried."
Her memory is preserved also in the hearts of many yet surviving, whose names and station would show the real attractions of her hospitality, not only to the English but also to foreigners. The present Emperor of the French, in his younger days, found a welcome at her house. Barons Humboldt and Denon, attracted by her knowledge of Persian, made her acquaintance abroad. N. P. Willis, the American author, in her charming house at Shirley Park, not only found a home, but a wife. To extend the catalogue, would be to furnish a list of the talented and polished of her day. Many authors presented her with copies of their works. The Rector of Croydon has also testified that the poor had lost most kind friends when she and her loved husband left Shirley Park. She died 21st April, 1855, having mourned her husband’s loss eleven months, he having died 21st May, 1854. Had Issue:-
1st.- Russell Morland.
2nd - Benjamin (died in infancy).
3rd.- Charles Bruce Graeme.
Russell Morland, born 11th April, 1809. Educated at Harrow (where he was a contemporary and friend of Lord Herbert, of Lee, Augustus Stafford, etc.), and Trinity College, Cambridge. Presented with an appointment to the Bengal Civil Service, A.D. 1829. Sometime Judge of Kishnaghur.
Married, 6th October, 1830, Louisa, daughter of Charles Becher, Esqre., B.C.S., of Chancellor House, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Her brother, Lieut-Col. Chas. Becher, commanding 8th Irregulars, Cavalry, Bengal, was highly mentioned by Lord Gough, Sir Charles Napier, etc, and died in pursuit of Tantia Topee. Issue - seven sons, and two daughters:-
1st, - Charles Bruce, born 7th August, 1834. The following lines were addressed to him when he was nearly four years old, as seated on the ground, with a small basket of flowers, he formed them into a boat, and, tying a rose to a green silk thread, he lowered it, saying -"See my anchor!”
Let thy flowery bark sail on, fair child
Push thy vessel from the shore;
For eyes of brighiter blue ne'er smiled
On so fair a freight before.
The wind will woo it lovingly,
And the ripple bear it on,
While thou wilt stand and laugh to see
Its proress - happy one!
The fairy helm is a jasmine spray
Covered with starry bloom;
The sail is a purple Iris gay,
With its tribute of rich perfume.
The anchor, attached by a silken string,
To serve at the jourrney's close,
Is nature's fairest and sweetest thing,
A half unfolded rose!
Laugh on, thou young and lovely child,
With that bright and beaming brow,
Which no touch of earth has yet defil'd,
Whv should we tell thee now,
How many there are who recklessly,
In this fair world of ours,
Sport with the heart's most lovely throes
As thou dost with thy flowers!
Shirley Park, 4th July, 1838.
"The boy who hangs on yonder stream,
Has talents far above his years,
He gilds the father's daily dream,
And wakes a mother's hopes and fears.
A rose, a silken thread had held,
Fell in the stream and sailed along,
The boy with eager look beheld,
Then murmured as with poet's tongue,
'Behold the anchor, which shall glide
My infant bark through life's career-
The lightning from the silk shall glide,
The rose shall warn when danger's near."'
By Sir George Duckett.
He showed such a talent for sculpture, as a boy, that R. Westmacott encouraged him to pursue that art. He was so good an artist that one of his drawings still ornaments his schoolmaster's room. At Haileybury and Calcutta Colleges he was distinguished, and carried off prizes in Persian. He was a most active magistrate and most efficient officer. Subjoined is an account of his early and laniented death, which occurred on the 16th February, 1863, communicated in a letter to his father, from Alonso Money, Esqre., Commissioner of Bhaugalpore. - “Your son, C. B. Skinner, has, it appears, been suffering for a long time from disease of the heart. A violent attack came on yesterday in the afternoon; and in the evening he died. The service has lost a good officer; and all who knew him deplore the loss of a kind-hearted gentleman.
Married, Ist - 3rd June, 1857 - Harriette Catherine, daughter of Lieut.Col. T. C. Tudor. Born 14th November, 1838; died 23rd October, 1860. Issue:-
1st.-Bruce Morland, born 3rd April, 1858.
2nd,-Evelyn Colin, born 12th October, 1860.
Married, 2ndly - 24th May, 1861 - Harriet West, daughter of Revd. J. C. Browne, Vicar of Dudley, Worcestershire. Issue:- Ernest Edward Becher, born 28th May, 1862.
2nd son [of Russell Morland] - Russell Morland, born 11th October, 1837.
Whose career up to this time is shown below:-
At the request of Lieut. R. M. Skinner, late 56th N.I., who served under my command, during the years of the mutiny 1857, and 1858, I have pleasure in recording that he performed his duty well, in three actions, in the Teraie, under the Kemaon Hills; and it was reported to me, that in the latter (the battle of Cherpoorah), he saved the life of' his commanding officer, Major Baugh, who commanded the Goorkah contingent, to which Lieut. Skinner was attached.
J. R. McCausland, Brigadier,
Commanding Gwalior District.
H Collier, Lieut
H M 8th Hussars
31, July, 1860.
8th, Oct. 1861.
Consequent on the departure of Lieut Adjt. Wynter, on leave to Calcutta, with a view to obtaining six months medical certificate to the Nielgherries, may I request the favor of your pressing on his honor, the Lieut. Governor, the urgency of' appointing another officer to that situation, the Corps being under orders to take the field, and my having no efficient officer among the uncovenanted men to fill that post. I trust 1 may be excused for bringing to your notice the name of a young officer, who is out of employ at this station, (Lieut. R. M. Skinner, late 56th N. I.) who would accept the appointment. I have known Lieut. Skinner, for many months as Adjutant of the late Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, and I can vouch for his being an intelligent, smart, and painstaking officer; and I am certain would prove in acquisition to the force, either in its present or amended form, and being on the spot, may perhaps prove a convenience. I shall be very glad to have Lieut. Skinner as Adjutant, should the above recommendation be of any service, and there be no other officer available.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant,
Major Commanding Bengal Police Battalion
To Major RATTRAY, 8th Hussars.
Inspector General of Police Battalion, -
Lower Provinces.
No. 6.
Having been requested by Lieut. R. M. Skinner, 56th Regiment, N. I., Adjutant, and acting 2nd in command of the Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, to furnish him with a certificate, I do so with much pleasure, but at the same time with diffidence, as this officer has already been recommended to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, by no less a person than Major Becher, (septimus) Deputy Adjutant General, that alone I consider a sufficient guarantee for his aptness to fill any appointment that his Excellency might be pleased to confer upom him, as I feel sure that Major Becher would never bring any but deserving officers to Sir Hugh Rose's notice. And as it further appears that Lieut.R. M. Skinner, in an engagement with the rebels during the mutiny, saved his commanding officer's life, at the risk of his own; that noble act speaks for itself; however, where possibly my statement may be of utility is, that I can conscientiously say that Lieut. R. M. Skinner is perfectly conversant with his duties of Adjutant of an Irregular Cavalry Regiment; and that he has thoroughly mastered the Cavalry Drill, which is the more creditable to him, as he belongs to the Infantry Branch of the Service. Lieut. Skinner has, moreover, conducted his duties to the entire satisfaction of Captain G. Ferris, H. M. 97th Regiment, late commanding Ramgurh Irregular Cavalry, as I have frequently heard Captain Ferris express himself in the most flattering terms of this officer's assiduity, in which commendation I can justly join.
Signed: H. COLLIER, Lieut.
H. M. 8th Hussars.
15th June, 1861.
No. 7.
9th July, 1861
With reference to your application of the 16th and 17th ultimo, for re-employment, and the intercession of Major-General A Becher, C.B., for you to receive the appointment of Acting-Adjutant to the Left Wing Of the Mynpoorie Levy, his Excellency desires me to state that he has been much pleased with your good statement of services, and consequently accedes to your wish to remain with that Corps; and, further, that when you wish to leave Dorundah, you are to report to me, in view to his Excellency's giving your case due consideration for further employment.
I have, the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant, Signed, H Collier, Lieut,
H. S. ST. JOHN, Major, H M 8th Hussars
Military Secretary to Sir Hugh Rose, G. C.B.,
Commander-in- Chief in India.
Lieut. R. M. SKINNER,
Adjutant late Ramgurh Cavalry, -Dorundah.
The following Certificates which were forwarded to the M ilitary Secetary to the
Commander-in- Chief, had not been returned by him, and duplicates could not be obtained, as the officers had left India.
1st. From the Deputy-Adjutant-General of the Army, who was on the spot, and heard of Lieut. Skinner's good services.
2nd. Col. J. Graham, Commanding 29th N.I., (who recommended him for the Victoria Cross.)
3rd. Major Baugh, Commanding Goorkah Contingent, alluded to in Certificates Nos. 4 and 6.)
R. M. SKINNER, Iate 56th N I
DORUNDAH, 18th,February, 1862.
February11th, 1858.
(v. Certificate 4.)
The enemy have threatened us on two sides for a long time, so we started off at l0 o'clock p.m. of the 9tb instant, to meet them, and marched to a place 17 miles off, where they were entrenched; we arrived here at about 6 o'clock in the morning. They were expecting some of the party that were encamped on the left side of us, to pay them a visit that very morning, and when their cavalry regiment saw us coming, who were dressed the same as theirs, they fancied we were their friends, and came forward to meet us, but directly they came closer, and found out their mistake, they bolted off to their camp, and gave the alarm; but we had time to fall in and fire a couple of rounds of Shrapnel into them before they had turned out; but when they did begin firing, they did it in earnest. They opened five guns on us, and as we had only two, they got the best of it for sometime, until we disabled their 9-pounders, which were playing on us beautifully, as you may imagine, when I tell you Capt. M -, who commanded one gun, had his hat knocked off his head by one round shot, another grazed his foot and lamed the gunner standing next him, and a third hit one of the wheels of the gun. A man was bowled over on my left, and another shot went so close over my head, that if I had not stooped down it would have done for me, They fired 80 rounds at us with their guns ; we fired about 50 rounds, and then we got the order to charge. The jungle was frightfully thick, and yet so low that they could see us going along the whole way, and kept turning the guns on our left, and firing the grape at us until we got at their flank, while about 500 of the 66th Goorkhas charged them in front. They did not run away as usual, but fought it out at their guns. They came rushing out of their huts, and cut at us with their tulwars. Baugh was nearly polished off. He and I were about the
first into the camp. A man had got hold of his horse's reins, and was just potting him
with his blunderbuss, when I rushed up and seized hold of his gun with my left hand,
and cut him down with my sword in the other hand. They fought like demons; just as
bad as the street fighting at Delhi or Lucknow. There were officers who were there,
who had seen lots of service; and they said they were never in such a smart engagement
It seems a great pity we are obliged to stay up here, when our troops are fighting hard and getting knocked about down below. We expect, however, to go down in.a few
days, directly the force from Delhi marches into Rohilcund. I broke my sword over a rebel's head the other day, and, would you believe it, 1 did not kill him? However, I killed one or two others. Here is an account of the affair:- A report reached us that a party, consisting of 1200 bad characters, had arrived at Huldwani (about twelve miles from this), which was confirmed by our seeing all the villagers running up the hill with all their effects, so we all assembled at the appointed place, and held a Council of War. They determined on converting twenty officers into cavalry (amongst which I had the honour to be), and making these join the thirty men of the 8tb Irregulars, who accompanied their officers up here, and about ten other officers, were made to go along with the Goorkhas. Our little force altogether consisted of 20 Volunteer Cavalry, 30 Irregulars (8th), 180 Goorkhas, l00 Levies, altogether 330 in number; but the Levies were not worth much, as they consisted of Bearers, Coolies, and others of the same class, who (had the enemy made anything of a resistance) would have fled at a place half way down the hill at dark, where we rested till ten o'clock next morning, when we again advanced till we got to the beginning of the Jungle. Here we halted again, and Captain Baugh and I were sent with four Sewars to go to reconnoitre. Directly we saw the enemy we halted till the column came up, and then we all advanced together, cavalry in front, until we got within about 200 yards of them. The order was given to charge, so on we rushed, expecting to have a good fight; but the enemy waited till we got close, and then went to the right about and ran away as hard as they could. However, we killed upwards of 100 of them, only one man killed and two or three wounded on our side.
We are now encamped at Huldwani, where we had the fight in September. I have been posted to do duty with a regiment of Goorkas, which has been sent down to us. It, however, only consists of 250 men; but they fight well. We had an opportunity of trying them on the 1st of the month. We were seated quietly at breakfast, not expecting any attack, when a man rushed in and said that the enemy's Sewars had arrived. Well, we turned out and remained under arms for about half an hour, whilst two officers went to reconnoitre. They came across three or four Sewars, who fired at them, and then disappeared. We had scarcely time to fall in before some round shot came flying over our heads; in fact, we were fairly taken by surprise. We had no guns to return their fire, so we let them play on while we were being posted in our respective positions. I had to hold a bridge against any charge of cavalry, which, with forty or fifty inexperienced soldiers (for our new Goorkhas do not know their drill yet) was no easy matter; however, luckily, the enemy had not the courage to charge. As soon as we had collected some 200 men together, we charged their guns; but the enemy only waited to give us a couple of charges of grape, and then fled with their guns. They were about 1500 strong, with Irregular Cavalry and two guns, and we only had 500 men, with no cavalry, and no guns, yet we followed them and did not lose a single man!
Married, August, 1859 - Maria Josephine, daughter of John Dumergus, Esqre., late Judge of Allyghur, Bengal. Issue:-
1st.- Jobn Charles Morland, born 1st July, 1860.
2nd.- Bruce Frederick, born 22nd June, 1863; died 12th October, 1864.
3rd.-Helen Louisa, born 13th February, 1865.
3rd son [of Russell Morland].- Cortlandt, born 3rd September, 1839; educated at Sandurst; presented with a Commission in H. M. 19th Foot, in 1859 - Lieutenant, 25th January, 1862.
4th son [of Russell Morland]- Evelyn Swinton, born 29th January, 1843; educated at Harrow; entered the Madras Army in 1860 - Licutenant, 3rd Madras Light Infantry, July, 1862.
5th son [of Russell Morland] -James Tierney, born 26th July, 1845; E. M. 18th Royal Irish, 1864; gained his commission by competition at the Royal Military College Sandhurst, in one year; and I subsequently obtained an Extra First-class Certificate at the School of Musketry at Fleetwood, 1865.
6th son [of Russell Morland]- Edmund Grey, born 29th January, 1850.
7th son [of Russell Morland]- Becher, born 25th October, 1851.
8th.-Louisa Routledge, died October, 1837.
9th.-Mary Emily.
3rd son [of Samuel Skinner, brother of Russell Morland Skinner].-Charles Bruce Graeme, born 20th October, 1816; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. Published Sketches in Norway," "Norwegian Tales," “Transfer of-Land Bill," &c. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, November 17th, 1841. Now Judge of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia. Married Louise Gertrude, daughter of Thomas B. Swinhoe, Esqre., SolicitorGeneral of H.E.I.C.S. Issue-Six Sons and one Daughter:
1st - Russell Grey, born June 25th, 1845.
2nd.-Edward Morland, born March 8th, 1847.
3rd.-William Henry Stock, born June 20th, 1850, R.N. Midshipman, H.M.S. Britannia.
4th.-George Lindsay.
5th.-Charles Ross.
6th.-Allan Swinton.
7th.-Ida May.
Russell Skinner, of Newton House (aforesaid) sometime of the Honourable East India Company's Civil Service, married, 1771, Mary Page, and by her (who survived him, and was buried at Camerton, in the county of Somerset, 1837) he had issue, ten children. He died in 1785, and was buried at Boldre Church. On his grave was the following inscription:-
In this Vault were deposited
on the
29th Dec. 1785, the remains of
of Newton House,
His imtegrity in commercial affairs
His virtues in domestic life
His uprightness as a Magistrate,
exact, amiable, unbiased, and exemplary.
The following were his children:-
1st.- Russell, sometime of Queen's College, Oxon, born 1771, died 1832; buried at Camerton, aforesaid; married, in 1795, Sarah Humby, and had issue, one child only (Selina), who died a spinster, 1815.
2nd.- John, of Trinity College, Oxon, Rector of Camerton, M.A., and F.A.S., born 1772; died 1839, and was buried at Camerton, he was Student of Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 29, 1794. He married, in 1805, Anne, eldest daughter of Joseph Holmes, Esqre., and bad issue, six children, viz:-
lst.-Laura, born 1806, died 1820.
2nd.-Fitzowen George, born and died in 1807.
3rd.- Fitzowen, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and sometime of Trinity College, Oxon, M.A., born 29th February, 1808.
4th.-Anna, born 16th February, 1809, married in the year 1839, to W. R. A. Boyle, of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and has issue, two sons and two daughters.
5th.-Joseph Henry, born 12th May, 1810; died a bachelor, February, 1833, and buried at Camerton.
6th.-Eliza Tertia, born 7th June, 1811 ; died 2nd February, 1812.
3rd.-Marianne, born 1774, died unmarried, December 1815, and buried in Clerkenwell burying-ground.
4th.-Edward, born 1775, killed by a fall from a tree, 1792, whilst serving as Midshipman aboard the Iphigenia frigate; buried at Milford Haven
5th.-Eliza, born 1776, died unmarried, 1812; buried at Hertford.
6th.-William North born 1777, died S.P., 1823, buried at Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire. Married Charlotte Jane, only daughter of Lieut-Col. Parslow.
7th.-Laura, born 1778, died S.P., 1823, buried at Camerton (aforesaid). Married Henry Manningham, of the Foreign Office, Esqre.
8th.-Henry, Lieutenant in the Honourable East India Company's Military Service, born 1780, died a bachelor, 1801, on vovage from India.
9th.-Fitzowen George, Post Captain, R.N., born 1782, died unmarried, May, 23, 1810, buried at Hertford.
10th.-Emma, born 1783, died a spinster, 1812; buried at Hertford.
Lines by the Rev. John Skinner, on the death of his brother, Edward Skinner, who while serving Midshipman in the Iphegenia frigate, stationed off Milford Haven, was killed by a fall from a tree, which he had climbed whilst sporting with some of his shipmates on shore, A.D. 1792.
Scenes of past joys - oh! why, unbidden, rise
In quick succession thus on mem’ry's glass -
Ceaseless ye flit, whilst tears bedim mine eyes,
And sobs, not smiles, record you as ye pass;
For while I, sorrowing, muse with edge as keen,
And look as rankling as fell Parthian's dart,
Remembrance shoots from ambuscade unseen,
And plants fresh sorrows in my bleeding heart.
From cypress shades, in blackest garb of woe,
Let memory rather call afflictive pain,
Renew past pangs, bid briny torrents flow,
And let my father's loss be mourned again;
But now past joys, like Job's false friends, intrude
In mockery come to irritate my sore,
Instead of balm to soothe my solitude,
They add fresh throbs to wounds scarce heal'd before.
Can sunshine please, bright beaming thro' his grate,
The pining wretch in dreary dungeon pent ?
Can dream of plenty hunger's pangs abate?
Or the void purse atone for treasures spent?
Ah, no, in grief the retrospect alone
Of comforts lost imparts a pang severe;
The mind, retentive, counts them one by one,
Bathing each former treasure with a tear.
Thus, my dear Edward, while in sad review,
Return the thoughts of joys untimely cros't,
And all the halcyon days our boyhood knew,
I mourn you deeply, but myself the most;
From earliest childhood was our friendship tried,
Our love was ever genial, glad, and gay,
Ever you ran to gambol at my side,
Leaving for me the comrades of your play.
For who at school, like your lov'd brother, shared
Your favorite pastimes, or with ready hand
Your bow and arrows, kite, and balls prepared,
Repair'd your hoop, or brought your boat to land?
Or when fatigued, these glad diversions o'er,
And evening came, we sought repose in bed;
Sweet were our slumbers then, we wish'd no more
'Than on one pillow both to rest the head.
And hand in hand, how light we tripp'd along,
Thro' Newtown's glades when spring the hawthorn drest
In budding gems, or listen'd to the song
Of blithesome blackbird thrilling near his nest.
Can I forget the time when packet bore*
Two sorrowing exiles from their fost’ring home,
When our dim eyes had lost fair England’s shore,
And night clos'd in with more than usual gloom ?
Whilst the light bark heel'd over to and fro,
Adding fresh sufferings to our state forlorn,
Confin’d in cot the night we pass'd below,
A hell of torment till returning morn?
Ah, then how you, my dearest Edward, strove
To veil your deathlike sickness, mental pain;
Thoughtful alone for me, your anxious love
For my convenience thought, nor thought in vain.
Or when those many dreary moons we dwelt
'Mongst Holland's sordid sons, how oft to thee
Confiding every pang my bosom felt,
I drew the sacred balm of sympathy;
And, oh, my brother, friend, companion dear,
What selfish demon could have sway'd my brain,
Home to have sail’d and left thee sorrowing there,
But that I felt we soon should meet again.
No, Edward, no; yet still that mournful look,
When I recall those tears which flow'd so fast,
That squeeze presaging when my hand you took,
All, all foretold that parting was our last.
It was our last, indeed, and never more
Sball I his sweet smile see, his sweet voice hear,
Pluck'd like a flower he fell on Milford's shore
Without a friend to sorrow o'er his bier.
*The two brothers sailed together for Holland in the year 1788, to be under a private tutor at Moordwyk, to learn the modern languages. The elder returned to England, in the year 1790, to matriculate at Oxford, and the brothers never met again.
But was there none? oh, yes; his shipmates all
(They must have been his friends), they mourning shed
The bitter tear to view his fatal fall,
One instant smiling, the next instant dead.
Had the brave boy, contending 'gainst the foe,
For Britain's honour nobly fought and died,
This had in part allay'd his brotlier's woe,
It was his wish, and might have been my pride.
But agonizing thought, that native fire
Which had already shone in battle's rage,
Had urged his soul to hazard and acquire
The meed that works the heroes of our age,
Was in a moment quench'd - his comrades saw
And chid his daring - anxious to excel,
He gained the pine tree's top, in silent awe
They gazed, and shudd’ring as they gazed, he crashing fell.
And oh, did not the spacious harbour round,
Re-echo the deep groan his shipmates made,
When rushing quick to raise him from the ground,
They found the gen'rous youth, their lov'd conipadion, dead
Hail, Milford Haven, fam'd for plaintive scene,
Our bard immortal drew: who sheds a tear
For the feigned death of beauteous Imogene,
May freely weep for there's no fiction here.
And Edward, fair Fidele, was in truth
As good and virtuous. May then Shakespeare's verse,
So oft recited, note the lovely youth,
And better than my pen his dirge rehearse.
See Cymbeline, Act, 4, Scene 4.
The f'ollowing brief memoir of Lieut. Henry Skinner aforesaid, precedes a copy of verses, penned as a tribute to his memory by his brother, the Rev. John Skinner, in 1802-.
"My brother Henry, who, having served a little more than three years in the army, in India, with the esteem of his brother officers, and with the marked approbation of General Harris, who was well acquainted with his merit, died there of the liver complaint, before he had attained the age of twenty-one years. He felt the first approach of this fatal malady at the Siege of Seringapatam, where he served as Lieutenant in the Cavalry; and finding its ravages increase, after his regiment returned from the field, he procured leave of absence, and came back to England.
In the course of a few weeks, he was so entirely recovered, as to be able to accompany me on a tour through Wales, which I made in the year 1800: and after spending a very pleasant time together, amidst the striking scenery of that most interesting country, we parted at Conway, on the 6th of August. It was his wish to secure the earliest passage to India, in order to rejoin his regiment; but feeling also anxious to visit the inland counties, and the University of Cambridge, he accompanied two gentlemen thither, oh their route from Wales. When taking leave of my dear brother, I fully expected that we should meet again in Somersetshire, previously to his a
sailing, but in this expectation I was disappointed, as, on my return to my mother's, three weeks afterwards, I found that be had already started for Portsmouth, from whence he imediately proceeded on his voyage, and performed it without accident; but in less than a year after his return to India, his old complaint returned, with such violence that he was advised, as
the only chaince of saving his life, to make a voyage to China. With this advice he complied; but was so entirely exhausted that be died on the passage off the Andamans Before he sailed, he wrote me a letter wherein he expressed himself fully sensible of his danger; and another I received from his friend Strachey (who accompanied him) shortly after, confirmed my apprehensions, and informed me of the irreparable loss I had sustained. Mr. Strachey's communication is so feelingly expressive of his own regard and testifies so strongly the general opinion entertained of my brotber's worth, that I conclude my brief account with a copy of it.
“FORT ST. GEORGE, 30th January, 1802.
My Dear Sir,
The sooner I tell you your loss, and in the fewer words the better. Notwithstanding the foolish hopes I entertained, you will, I trust, be better prepared to hear of poor Henry’s death. He died the 4th of November, off the Andamans, completely exhausted. For the first week of his voyage he continued to get better; but his disease returned, and never again left him till it prevailed. God bless him, and those those who grieve for him. The praises of the dead are always the same. I shall not, therefore, weary you with trite eulogies respecting your brother, but only say he was a favorite with all who knew him. Years will roll on, and he will be forgotten by many of his companions; but it will be my pleasure to remember him to my last hour; and I will trust the thought of my meeting him again will be one of my comforts then as it is now.
This letter will enable you to break the news to your mother and sisters, as there is little doubt of its arrival in England before any other can reach them. God Almigbtv bless them.
Yours most truly,
Lines in memory of Lieut. Henry Skinner, by his brother, the Rev. John Skinner.
When autumn walks his annual round,
Despoils our groves and russet ground
Thick strews with wither'd leaves;
Or when bleeds fatling of the flock,
Or reapers bind the ripen'd sliock,
It is not then one grieves.
Nor when within her tranquil breast,
His troubles o'er, his labours ceas'd,
Our mother earth receives
The corpse of some age-burthen'd sire,
Whose hopes to brighter realms aspire,
It is not then one grieves.
But when with well earn'd praise elate,
Some youthful warrior meets his fate
Upon the ensanguin'd plain;
Wbilst his fond friends twixt hope and dread,
The fight's result refuse to read,
Or note the list of slain.
Too soon the fatal news arrives,
No more the darling hero lives,
No more will he return;
Amidst the tears his kindred shed,
Due to the merits of the dead,
Can we forbear to mourn?
If others losses can suffice
To force warm tribute from our eyes,
With pangs our bosoms rend;
Must not our hearts be rent yet more,
When we the untimely death deplore
Of brother and of friend ?
Oh, yes, and now a second time
Sucb loss seeks record in my rhyme,
More lasting, tho' impress'd;
The mem'ry of past woes remains,
Of Eclward's fall, and dying pains
Of Henry-in my breast.
Brothers alike both good and brave,
Yet both within the narrow grave
By stranger bands were laid
No brother, relative, was nigh
To smooth the bier, or heave a sigh
O'er each departed shade.
Edward, on Milford Haven's coast,
l,ike flow'ret cropt by biting frost,
A palsied victim lay;
Whilst Henry, parch'd by torrid fire,
Would fain to cooler climes retire,
Retiring pin'd away.
But 'ere reluctantly he sped,
When withering sickness droop'd his head,
From India’s fatal shore;
'Gainst Tippoo's force in tented field,
His noble arm his sword could wield
Amidst the canon's roar.
His charger skilfully could rein,
Or urge him o'er the ensanguin'd plain,
Whilst sepoys skirmish’d wide;
Nor halted till from city wall
His steed receiv'd a musket ball,
And 'neath his master died.
The sultan fallen, his spoil the prize
Of such as brav'd those sultry skies,
A poor return indeed ;
For, say what power exists in wealth,
To compensate for loss of health,
Or stanch the wounds that bleed.
Exhausted by this sharp campaign,
And struggling with disease and pain,
To England he returned;
Hoping amidst her groves to share
The comforts of her bracing air,
And sun which milder burn'd.
Like fam'd Alceus, as the earth
He touch'd which gave his vigour birth,
He instantly reviv'd;
With health and spirits soon restor'd,
Awhile he shared my frugal board,
And in my cottage liv'd.
When oft be spoke of Brahmin's race,
Their modes of worship, forms, and face,
Their temples, tombs, and streams;
Their caves and sculptur’d deities,
That glare on rash intruders' eyes,
Like shades in Fancy's dreams.
Oft then reflection backwards ran,
And strove to trace the tribes of man,
Which peopl'd earth's domain;
Which drove their herds from Asia's sands,
To spread o'er Europe's verdant lands,
And Egypt's fertile plain.
Conversing thus, we longed to see
Samples of dark idolatry,
By Scythian's wanderers brought
To Greece, and thence to Mona's isle,
Whose carnedds, circles, Cromlech pile,
Proclaim where Druids taught.
So soon we cross'd hoarse Severn's tide,
Travers'd those steppes extending wide,
Where freedom's flag unfurl'd,
The untam’d Britons long withstood,
Fenc'd by their mountains, vales, and wood,
The victors of the world.
Across the straits of Mona's shore,
The mystic shades we next explore,
Where dauntless Druid stood;
Whilst Roman falchions wildly gleamed,
Midst crackling flames, and altars steamed
With noblest British blood.
Bangor next past, whose sacred fane
Was spoil'd by Glendower's lawless train,
We Conway's turret view;
Here much for pleasing thought I found,
Whilst traversing its ancient ground,
But much for sorrow, too.
For Henry’s voice here last I heard,
Here last his kind affection shar'd,
Here last I rung his hand;
When parting from the ferry's side,
I watch'd his vessel stem the tide,
And mournful left the strand.
His active spirit ill could bear
Idly to breathe his native air;
Whilst others bore the toil.
And generous ardour press'd him on
To meet among the fainting throng
Pale death on Asia's shore.
Fondly I'd hop'd it parents' seat
Again his much lov'd voice to greet,
Revisiting my home.
For Henry absent from my side,
It seem’d but dull and drear to ride,
And further on to roam.
But when three weeks but scarcely o'er,
Way worn I gain'd my mother's door,
'Twas still, and silent all;
No sound of joy or festive mirth,
Of kindred round the social hearth,
Or menials in the hall.
Henry was gone! and not one smile
The gloom of sorrow could beguile;
But downcast and alone
Each brother griev'd for brother, kind
Sister for friend in friendship joined,
And mother for her son.
Alas! too prosp’rous blew the gales,
Too swift from port the vessel sails,
And down the channel borne;
Too soon bless'd Albion disappears,
Prophetic fall the exile's tears,
Gone never to return.
His safety from the treacherous main,
Expecting comrades' hail in vain,
Arrived on Gange's shore.
For tho' escap'd the raging seas,
Too soon within, that fell disease,
Worse rages than before.
Arid tbo' lov'd youth, I was denied,
The loving care to tend thy side,
And close thy darkening eyes;
Tho’ seas immeasurably flow
‘Twixt you and me, my feelings shew
Affection never dies.
And in bright realms and happier day
Reliev'd from this dull load of clay,
I fervently aspire
To greet thy kindred soul above,
And join in hymning songs of love
Before the Eternal Sire.
The following obituary notice of Capt. Fitzowen George Skinner, appeared on his death.
“Captain Skinner was sent to sea at the age of eleven, with Sir Harry Burrard Neale, on board the Saint Fiorenzo frigate, and was with him when he brought his ship, with so much judgment, from among the mutineers of the Nore. He was also with Sir H B. Neale when, in company with the Amelia, he fought three French frigates on the coast of France, but which escaped, in consequence of the latter being disabled, and their being so close to the French ports. Seven years after, be was promoted, by George the Third at Weymouth. His captain, finding him an admirable officer, in 1804 succeeded in getting him made a commander. On the breaking out of the war, after the short of Anvers, Captain Skinner continually made offer of his services, and in 1808 was appointed to the Hindostan, 24 guns and 150 men, employed as a store ship in victualling the fleet of Sir Charles Cotton, then blockading Lisbon. In the autumn of that year he was appointed to the Goldfinch, of 10 guns and 74 men, a class of vessels intended for the destruction of small French privateers, infesting the Straits of Dover. In this vessel, on the 18th May, 1809, cruising, off Bilboa in the night, he fell in with a large French corvette of 20 guns, La Mouche, which he engaged about 3. am and continued in close engagement till 8, when the French captain took advantage of a breeze to escape; the Goldfinch, from damage to the masts and rigging, being unable to pursue. Captain Skinner had three men killed and twelve wounded. A few davs later, the corvette was taken off St. Andero by the Amelia, Captain Irby, who, in his letter to the Admiralty, made honorable mention of Captain Skinner's spirited conduct.
The corvette, in action with the Goldfinch, lost two men killed and nine wounded. Captain Skinner received the most flattering letters from the Admiral of the Fleet and the Port Admiral, and before he returned from his subsequent voyage to Cadiz, the Admiralty appointed him to the Trinculo, just launched, and one of the finest sloops in the service; but, unhappily, returning from Cadiz he caught a severe cold, through his considerate kindness to a gentleman, a guest of his, affected with asthma, in keeping open his cabin window. His disease was much worse by the time he was off Falmouth, and lie incurred much bad weather in October, from his anxiety to hasten the delivery of despatches from the Marquis Wellesley, then at Seville. In making use of a speaking trumpet, in a gale of wind, he broke a blood-vessel; he, however, proceeded to Portsmoutb, and had nearly fitted out his ship, when the blood-vessel again breaking, he gradually declined and died at Hertford, May 23rd, 1810. He was admirable as an officer, unremitting in his attention to his duty, with perfect knowledge of his profession, and the greatest intrepidity. He was always anxious for the comfort of his crew; on board his ship he never allowed the meanest cabin boy to be struck, and, perhaps, there was no other in which there were so few punisbments.- Gentlelman's Maqazine, vol. 80, 2nd part, page 88 - 1810
Fitzowen Skinner, of Lincoln's Inn aforesaid, [grandson of Russell Skinner of Newton House] married 22nd February, 1838, Laura Eliza, second daughter of the Revd. John Francis Stuart, Rector of Lower Gravenhurst, in the County of Bedfordshire, and has issue by her, six children, viz.:-
1st.- Fitzowen John, of Trinity College, Oxon, M.A.C. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, born December, 1838.
2nd.-Laura, born January, 1840.
3rd.-Russell, Captain in Her Majesty's 37th Regiment of Foot, January 5, 1866, having received his commission from Sandhurst in the year 1860, gaining the First Prize in Mathematics; born March, 1842.
4th.-John Francis, born April, 1843.
5th.-Robert George, born December, 1844, gone out as a Colonist to New Zealand.
6th.-Stephen, born January, 1846.
So numerous are the male representatives of the Bishop's 4th son Samuel.'
- 10 JUL 1633 - Birth - ; Launton, Oxfordshire, England
- 6 OCT 1709 - Burial -
? | ||||||
PARENT (M) Robert Skinner , DD | |||
Birth | 10 FEB 1590 | Northampton, on a Wednesday, and baptized 12 February 1590 [NB The entry in the Dictionary of National Biography is unce | |
Death | 14 JUN 1670 | ||
Marriage | to Elizabeth Bangor | ||
Father | Edmonde Skinner | ||
Mother | Bridget Ratleiffe | ||
PARENT (F) Elizabeth Bangor | |||
Birth | 12 DEC 1603 | Oxford | |
Death | 25 JUN 1644 | Oxford, after her 18th confinement | |
Marriage | to Robert Skinner , DD | ||
Father | Bernard Bangor | ||
Mother | ? | ||
M | Matthew Skinner | ||
Birth | 1 APR 1624 | St Bett's, London, England | |
Death | 1698 | ||
Marriage | to Frances Sympson | ||
M | Samuel Skinner | ||
Birth | 10 JUL 1633 | Launton, Oxfordshire, England | |
Death | |||
Marriage | to ? | ||
Marriage | 1681 | to ? | |
M | Robert Skinner | ||
Birth | 6 MAR 1625 | ||
Death | MAY 1681 | ||
Marriage | to Prudence Thomas | ||
Marriage | to Eleanor Cowcher | ||
M | William Skinner | ||
Birth | 1636 | ||
Death | 26 AUG 1695 | ||
Marriage | to Anne Turton | ||
Marriage | to ? Littleton | ||
F | Mary Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
F | Margaret Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
F | Anne Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
F | Elizabeth Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
M | Thomas Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to ? Savage | ||
M | Humphrey Skinner | ||
Birth | 4 JUN 1640 | (Date of christening, at St Augustine The Less, Bristol, Gloucester, England) | |
Death |
PARENT (M) Samuel Skinner | |||
Birth | 10 JUL 1633 | Launton, Oxfordshire, England | |
Death | |||
Marriage | to ? | ||
Marriage | 1681 | to ? | |
Father | Robert Skinner , DD | ||
Mother | Elizabeth Bangor | ||
PARENT (F) ? | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to Samuel Skinner | ||
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
F | Anne Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to William Proctor | ||
F | Hannah Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to David Brattle | ||
F | Elizabeth Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to Ambrose | ||
M | Samuel Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to ? |
PARENT (M) Samuel Skinner | |||
Birth | 10 JUL 1633 | Launton, Oxfordshire, England | |
Death | |||
Marriage | to ? | ||
Marriage | 1681 | to ? | |
Father | Robert Skinner , DD | ||
Mother | Elizabeth Bangor | ||
PARENT (F) ? | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | 1681 | to Samuel Skinner | |
Father | ? | ||
Mother | ? | ||
F | Frances Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | 1708 | to Christopher Hanbury | |
M | Samuel Skinner | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | to Catherine Russell |
[S6627] | 'A Few Memorials of the Right Rev. Robert Skinner, D.D., Bishop of Worcester, 1663.....' |
1 Samuel Skinner b: 10 JUL 1633
+ ?
+ Ambrose
+ ?
+ ?
+ Catherine Russell d: 28 SEP 1763
3 Samuel Skinner d: 1742
+ Mary Walker d: FEB 1798
5 Russell Skinner b: 17 JUL 1765
6 Samuel Skinner b: 18 JUN 1799 d: 1 NOV 1811
6 Russell Skinner , Rev b: 3 JUN 1803
+ Violetta Williams d: 1852
7 Violetta Mary Skinner b: 4 AUG 1835
7 Lucy Judith Skinner b: 3 DEC 1836 d: 13 JAN 1861
6 Mary Skinner b: 15 JUN 1804 d: SEP 1804
5 Joseph Skinner d: 8 FEB 1819
5 Samuel Skinner b: 4 JUL 1774 d: 21 MAY 1854
+ Mary Routledge d: 21 APR 1855
6 Russell Morland Skinner b: 11 APR 1809
7 Charles Bruce Skinner b: 7 AUG 1834 d: 16 FEB 1863
+ Harriette Catherine Tudor b: 14 NOV 1838 d: 23 OCT 1860
8 Bruce Morland Skinner , Major General b: 3 APR 1858 d: 3 MAY 1932
8 Evelyn Colin Skinner b: 12 OCT 1860
8 Ernest Edward Becher Skinner b: 28 MAY 1862
7 Russell Morland Skinner b: 11 OCT 1837
8 John Charles Morland Skinner b: 1 JUL 1860
8 Bruce Frederick Skinner b: 22 JUN 1863
8 Helen Louisa Skinner b: 13 FEB 1865
7 Cortlandt Skinner b: 3 SEP 1839
7 Evelyn Swinton Skinner b: 29 JAN 1843
7 James Tierney Skinner b: 26 JUL 1845
7 Edmund Grey Skinner b: 29 JAN 1850
7 Becher Skinner b: 25 OCT 1851
6 Charles Bruce Graeme Skinner b: 20 OCT 1816
7 Russell Grey Skinner b: 25 JUN 1845
7 Edward Morland Skinner b: 8 MAR 1847
7 William Henry Stock Skinner b: 20 JUN 1850
4 Russell Skinner d: 29 DEC 1785
5 Russell Skinner b: 1771 d: 1832
5 John Skinner , Rev b: 1772 d: 1839
6 Laura Skinner b: 1806 d: 1820
6 Fitzowen George Skinner b: 1807 d: 1807
6 Fitzowen Skinner b: 29 FEB 1808
7 Fitzowen John Skinner b: DEC 1838
7 Laura Skinner b: JAN 1840
7 Russell Skinner b: MAR 1842
7 John Francis Skinner b: APR 1843
7 Robert George Skinner b: DEC 1844
7 Stephen Skinner b: JAN 1846
6 Anna Skinner b: 16 FEB 1809
6 Joseph Henry Skinner b: 12 MAY 1810 d: FEB 1833
6 Eliza Tertia Skinner b: 7 JUN 1811 d: 2 FEB 1812
5 Marianne Skinner b: 1774
5 Edward Skinner b: 1775 d: 1792
5 Eliza Skinner b: 1776 d: 1812
5 William North Skinner b: 1777 d: 1823
5 Laura Skinner b: 1778 d: 1823
5 Henry Skinner b: 1780 d: 1801
5 Fitzowen George Skinner b: 1782 d: 23 MAY 1810
5 Emma Skinner b: 1783 d: 1812