Thomas Henry Wright

Thomas Henry Wright

b: 5 FEB 1929
d: 2010
For photos of the Wrights see '6Photos - Cousins - Wrights'

For more about the Wrights see '4About families not in the book - Other families - Overseas cousins - Wrights, Canada.doc' From Tom Wright to Elaine Wilson, Christmas 2009:

I am pleased to say that I feel as though I just might be
getting past the pneumonia, feeling better, and getting a little
energy to do things. No luck on selling the house yet, but since the
new place is not ready yet, that's OK.

We've just had a couple of days with a full house, with son Sandy
(Alex), his Russian wife Larisa, his four kids (Griffin and Ivy from
his first marriage, and Sophia and Sasha from his second marriage) and
Larisa's parents Fleura and Zinnar, all visiting. They left a couple
of hours ago, so the house is suddenly quiet again, but not for long.
Grandson Andrew, his wife Alicia, and their little one Devon are
scheduled to arrive in about four hours, and Annette, Kaneo and Reuben
due a couple of hours after that. The kids surely liven the place up!

Our whole island is engulfed in dense fog, except for the mountain
tops above 800 feet, so our house has been in bright sunshine all
day. When we got down to the ferry it was hard to see anything at
all. I am enjoying driving again after an enforced layoff for a few

With luck we will get some visits from Hal's family around New Year,
though they can't all come at the same time, as someone has to keep an
eye on the power plant. Hal is doing a lot of long distance driving
all over North America these days, and I believe he went through Baton
Rouge a while back, though we never know where he will be next.

Nancy is well and cheerful. We all join in wishing you, Harvey and
all the family the very best for 2010.

  • 5 FEB 1929 - Birth - ; Detroit, Michigan
  • 2010 - Death -
  • Occupation - Geologist in the oil industry
Thomas Henry Wright
5 FEB 1929 - 2010
Harry James Musson Wilson
15 JUN 1854 - 21 NOV 1914
Elsie Margaretta Pearce
27 DEC 1875 - 19 AUG 1966
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Thomas Frederick Wright , Revd
Marriage24 OCT 1927to Grace Hurst Armstrong Wilson at Church of the Messiah, Detroit, Michigan, US
PARENT (F) Grace Hurst Armstrong Wilson
Birth19 AUG 1901Toronto, Canada
Marriage24 OCT 1927to Thomas Frederick Wright , Revd at Church of the Messiah, Detroit, Michigan, US
FatherHarry James Musson Wilson
MotherElsie Margaretta Pearce
MThomas Henry Wright
Birth5 FEB 1929Detroit, Michigan
Marriage1955to Private
FNancy (Elsie Ann) Wright
Birth12 JUN 1930Detroit, Michigan
Death17 SEP 2024Greenwoods Eldercare Retirement Centre, 133 Blain Rd, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1Z9, Canada
FMargaret Mary (Molly) Wright
Birth14 APR 1932Flint, Michigan
Marriageto Wilfred Klein
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Thomas Henry Wright
Birth5 FEB 1929Detroit, Michigan
Marriage1955to Private
FatherThomas Frederick Wright , Revd
MotherGrace Hurst Armstrong Wilson
PARENT () Private
Marriage1955to Thomas Henry Wright
Marriageto Private
Marriageto Veronica Pellowski
Marriageto Larisa
MarriageOCT 1992to Lauren Brown
Marriageto Kelly Head
Picture Gallery
Tom and Nancy in England
[S1468] Grace Armstrong Wilson by letter to Harvey and Elaine Wilson 18 February 1982
Descendancy Chart
Thomas Henry Wright b: 5 FEB 1929 d: 2010