Thomas Holroyd “A Branch of The Holroyd Family” – a copy


Thomas Holroyd "A Branch of The Holroyd Family" - a copy which includes some handwritten annotations.


Person(s) of Interest:


A 45pp printed volume with a printed letter on the first pagedated August 1879 and addressed to Edward Dundas Holroyd Esq QC, at Melbourne in the Colony of Victoria. It reads: "My Dear Edward, Havin g resided, like yourself, for many years in the East, I can quite understand your desire to preserve the remembrance of your elder English relatives, and to know something of the generation which ha s arisen since you quitted the old country. I have endeavoured to assist you by drawing up a short sketch of the history of the family, and collecting a few particulars which seemed to me worthy of be ing recorded, concerning several of its members. At your request, I have introduced some incidents of my own life, which I should otherwise have omitted. I trust the pamphlet may prove useful as a fam ily chronicle, amd may enable you to transmit some interesting memorials to your descendants in Australia. I am, My dear Edward, Your very affectionate Uncle, Thomas Holroyd.

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