(beside Loch Dereveragh)
Ireland According to an obituary of his son Colonel Edward Nugent in the Gentleman's Magazine, Captain Walter Nugent died at the Battle of Brooklyn (Aug 1776 aka Battle of Long Island)), not at
Bunker Hill (June 1775) From 'The Chaplin and Skinner Families' pages 35 to 36. Added comment in square brackets [ ] from Burke's Peerage - Westmeath, and Farren Connell - :
>> THE Nugents of Westmeath trace their descent from Sir Gilbert de Nugent, Lord of Nogent, the son of Fulke de Bellesme, Lord of Nogent de Rotrou [Normandy], eleventh in descent from Albert, Comte de Perche, who died in the year 930.
In the time of Henry II. of England, Sir Gilbert de Nugent accompanied Sir Hugh de Lacy in his expedition to Ireland, in recompense for which Sir Hugh gave him his sister Rosa to wife, and with her the Barony of Delvin. Sir Gilbert's sons, however, died before him, and the Barony of Delvin passed to his brother Richard, whose only child and heiress carried the title in 1180 to her husband, one John or Fitz-John.
The title was restored to the Nugent family more than two hundred years later, when in 1407 Sir William Nugent [of Balrath], a descendant of Hugh de Nugent, a cousin of Sir Gllbert, who also accompanied Sir Hugh de Lacy's expedition, married Catherine, the daughter and sole heiress of John Fitz-John le Tuit [or John FitzJones], eighth Baron Delvin. [According to Burke's, Catherine died by 1406, William having acquired the Manor of Devlin by marriage to her on 27 September 1385].
Sir William Nugent [elected Sheriff Co Meath 10 November 1401 for one year and again on 21 November 1402 and knighted, died by 1415] succeeded his father-in-law as ninth Baron. His eldest son, Richard, the tenth Baron [Burke's Peerage under 'Westmeath' describes him as 1st Baron Delvin, so created 1451 but under Nugents of Farren Connell in Burkes he is described as Second Baron of Delvin, married to Catherine Drake], was Sheriff of Meath in 1424, Lord Deputy of Ireland under the Earl of Ormonde in 1444, and under Richard, Duke of York, in 1449. In the latter year he convened Parliaments in Drogheda and Dublin. He was Seneschal of Meath in 1452, and died shortly before 1475, and his eldest son James having died in his lifetime, he was succeeded by his grandson Christopher as eleventh Baron [2nd Baron Delvin according to Burke's Peerage - Westmeath, and died 1478 of plague, not 1493 as below]. Andrew Nugent, a younger brother of the eleventh Baron, married Mary O'Dowd [daughter of James Tuite according to Burke], and their son, Walter Nugent, became, through his mother, owner of the demesne of Donore, in the county of Westmeath, on the beautiful banks of Lough Dereveragh, and the ancestor of the Nugents of Donore [Baronets, but no further information in Burke under Westmeath. Walter was the ancestor of Walter who died at Bunkers Hill in 1755, grandfather of Colonel Edward Nugent.]
On the death of the eleventh Baron Delvin in 1493, his son Richard succeeded to the title [as 3rd Baron Delvin according to Burke], which he held until his death in 1562 [Burke gives the date of his death as 28 February 1537/8]. He held a high position in the State, and was more than once Lord Deputy and Governor of Ireland [Burke: "called to Parliament 1486 and among 11 Irish peers summoned to Greenwich 1489; V-Dep Ireland 1527-28; married 1st Elizabeth/Isabel, daughter of 8th Earl of Kildare, 2nd Elizabeth St Lawrence, probably daughter of 3rd Baron Howth." His children were Christopher whose son Richard [born c 1523] became 4th Baron Delvin, Thomas, and William. It was from his second son, Sir Thomas Nugent [of Carlanstown, Co Westmeath, married Katherine, daughter of Sir George Fleming, died after 1569, described in Burke as ancestor of Robert Nugent, 1st Earl Nugent see below, so created 21 July 1776], that Edmond Nugent, of Carlanstown (see pedigree D, born about 1650), was descended [According to Burke, Thomas left "with other issue," one daughter, Eleanor and a son, William].
The eldest male branch of the Nugent family, represented by the twelfth and succeeding Barons Delvin, are now represented by the Earl of Westmeath, whose second title is still Baron Delvin. Since the creation of the Earldom [with Richard Nugent on 4th Sept 1621, who was the eldest son of Christopher the 5th Baron, the eldest son of Richard the 4th Baron above], the eldest son of the Earls of Westmeath has by courtesy been known as Lord Delvin. [Burke starts its account of Westmeath with the 13th Earl of Westmeath and Baron Delvin, William Anthony Nugent of Farthings, Rotton Row Hill, Bradfield, Berkshire RG7 6LL, born 21 November 1928].
As appears from Pedigree D, Edmond Nugent, of Carlanstown, had (besides other children) a son, Colonel Michael Nugent, who became in course of time the father of Robert, afterwards Earl Nugent (born 1709); and a daughter, Mary, who in 1703 married Edward Nugent of Donore; thus reuniting the descendants of the tenth and twelfth Barons Delvin [1st and 3rd (Burke)] after an interval of upwards of 250 years. It is from this union that the Nugents of Donore trace their descent. Sir Walter Richard Nugent of Donore, who succeeded to the title in February, 1896, is the present Baronet.
Edward Nugent of Donore, after the death of his wife Mary [in 1721], married [in 1724] a second wife [Eleanor, daughter of Charles Dowde] who bore him four sons. The second of these was Walter Nugent, who was killed, or mortally wounded, at the battle of Bunkers Hill in 1775. Walter Nugent married in 1754 Rebecca, the daughter of Henry Woodward, the actor (see next page); and their son, Edward Nugent, subsequently Colonel Nugent, was the grandfather of Mrs. Matilda Adriana Chaplin.
Edward Nugent of Donore died in 1733 and in 1886 James Edward Nugent, his descendant in the fifth generation by his first marriage, married Julia Margaret Chaplin, his descendant in the same generation by his second marriage, and thus after a period of 153 years the two branches of his family were united.
In Colonel Nugent's papers and correspondence no record of his connection with the Donore family has been preserved, and for many years past the exact relationship has not been known. Mrs. M. A. Chaplin, the last of his grandchildren who remembered him, did not understand it; and it is only after a great deal of investigation and research that I have been able to ascertain it, and to explain the connection which existed between Colonel Nugent and Earl Nugent on the one side and between him and the Nugents of Donore on the other side.
[Burkes Peerage has a separate entry for the Nugent of Donore, as well as for other branches of the Nugent family. The information given has been added to the Nugent famile tree in this database where possible. It includes a reference to the marriage of James Nugent (born 3 January 1833), youngest son of Sir Percy Nugent, 1st Baronet, with Julia Margaret, daughter of John Clarke Chaplin, on 2 March 1886]
I trust that Pedigree D and the following details will make the whole position of matters clear to any of my readers and relations who care to take the trouble to understand it. If this is so, I shall feel that all the time and labour expended on this part of my work have not been unrewarded.
Before entering upon a detailed account of Colonel Nugent's life it will be appropriate to give a short account of his maternal grandfather, Henry Woodward, the celebrated actor. <<
End of extract from 'The Chaplin and Skinner Families'................................................................. ...................................................................
Note: Henry Woodward was father of Walter Nugent's wife Rebecca.
[One of the annotations in Ann Mendell's copy of the Chaplin and Skinner family book states that a picture (print) of Bunker Hill by John Trumbull used to hang in the Rev Edward Amos Chaplin's house and was passed on to Mrs M A Chaplin, who handed it on to Col Allan Chaplin.]
[Delvin - In the 8th century this area (of County Westmeath) is cited as Delbna Mór. O'Fionnalain (Fenelon) are cited as lords of Delvin prior to the arrival of the Normans. Sir Gilbert De Nogent became baron here after the Norman Invasion, and the Nugent family were Barons of Delvin]
Footnote: Even with the advantage of this computer progam it is difficult to unravel the Nugent ancestry and connections, so I am putting this footnote here in the hope that I won't have to do it again. Walter's son, Colonel Edward Nugent, claimed Lord Nugent, son of the Marquis of Buckingham, as a relation. James Nugent of Donore was apparently a cousin. Julia Chaplin, herself a Nugent descendant, also married a Nugent. How do these people connect?
Walter (Col Edward Nugent's father) was a son of Eleanor Dowde, the SECOND wife of Edward Nugent of Donore, whereas the Baronetcy of Donore of course continued through Thomas, the first son of his FIRST wife, who was born Mary Nugent, then went to Thomas's son James, then his brother Peter, where it ended since they were childless. So Col Edward Nugent and James Nugent were related through the half-brothers Walter and Thomas. James Edward Nugent, who married Julia Margaret Nugent Chaplin, was the great grandson of Christina, sister of James and Peter (one of Christina's sons, tho' born a Fitzgerald, decided to adopt his mother's family name). Of course Julia Margaret Nugent Chaplin was also a descendant of Edward Nugent of Donore, since she was Col Edward Nugent's grandaughter.
The Marquis of Buckingham (a Grenville) was the son-in-law of Earl Nugent, but decided to adopt the Nugent name, so his own son became Lord Nugent. And Earl Nugent was the son of Michael, the brother of Mary, the first wife of Edward Nugent of Donore! So the Marquis of Buckingham's wife Mary Elizabeth Nugent had as great-aunt Mary Nugent, whose husband Edward's second wife Eleanor had Col Edward Nugent as a grandson! So, yes, they were related.................
(beside Loch Dereveragh)
Ireland According to an obituary of his son Colonel Edward Nugent in the Gentleman's Magazine, Captain Walter Nugent died at the Battle of Brooklyn (Aug 1776 aka Battle of Long Island)), not at
Bunker Hill (June 1775) From 'The Chaplin and Skinner Families' pages 35 to 36. Added comment in square brackets [ ] from Burke's Peerage - Westmeath, and Farren Connell - :
>> THE Nugents of Westmeath trace their descent from Sir Gilbert de Nugent, Lord of Nogent, the son of Fulke de Bellesme, Lord of Nogent de Rotrou [Normandy], eleventh in descent from Albert, Comte de Perche, who died in the year 930.
In the time of Henry II. of England, Sir Gilbert de Nugent accompanied Sir Hugh de Lacy in his expedition to Ireland, in recompense for which Sir Hugh gave him his sister Rosa to wife, and with her the Barony of Delvin. Sir Gilbert's sons, however, died before him, and the Barony of Delvin passed to his brother Richard, whose only child and heiress carried the title in 1180 to her husband, one John or Fitz-John.
The title was restored to the Nugent family more than two hundred years later, when in 1407 Sir William Nugent [of Balrath], a descendant of Hugh de Nugent, a cousin of Sir Gllbert, who also accompanied Sir Hugh de Lacy's expedition, married Catherine, the daughter and sole heiress of John Fitz-John le Tuit [or John FitzJones], eighth Baron Delvin. [According to Burke's, Catherine died by 1406, William having acquired the Manor of Devlin by marriage to her on 27 September 1385].
Sir William Nugent [elected Sheriff Co Meath 10 November 1401 for one year and again on 21 November 1402 and knighted, died by 1415] succeeded his father-in-law as ninth Baron. His eldest son, Richard, the tenth Baron [Burke's Peerage under 'Westmeath' describes him as 1st Baron Delvin, so created 1451 but under Nugents of Farren Connell in Burkes he is described as Second Baron of Delvin, married to Catherine Drake], was Sheriff of Meath in 1424, Lord Deputy of Ireland under the Earl of Ormonde in 1444, and under Richard, Duke of York, in 1449. In the latter year he convened Parliaments in Drogheda and Dublin. He was Seneschal of Meath in 1452, and died shortly before 1475, and his eldest son James having died in his lifetime, he was succeeded by his grandson Christopher as eleventh Baron [2nd Baron Delvin according to Burke's Peerage - Westmeath, and died 1478 of plague, not 1493 as below]. Andrew Nugent, a younger brother of the eleventh Baron, married Mary O'Dowd [daughter of James Tuite according to Burke], and their son, Walter Nugent, became, through his mother, owner of the demesne of Donore, in the county of Westmeath, on the beautiful banks of Lough Dereveragh, and the ancestor of the Nugents of Donore [Baronets, but no further information in Burke under Westmeath. Walter was the ancestor of Walter who died at Bunkers Hill in 1755, grandfather of Colonel Edward Nugent.]
On the death of the eleventh Baron Delvin in 1493, his son Richard succeeded to the title [as 3rd Baron Delvin according to Burke], which he held until his death in 1562 [Burke gives the date of his death as 28 February 1537/8]. He held a high position in the State, and was more than once Lord Deputy and Governor of Ireland [Burke: "called to Parliament 1486 and among 11 Irish peers summoned to Greenwich 1489; V-Dep Ireland 1527-28; married 1st Elizabeth/Isabel, daughter of 8th Earl of Kildare, 2nd Elizabeth St Lawrence, probably daughter of 3rd Baron Howth." His children were Christopher whose son Richard [born c 1523] became 4th Baron Delvin, Thomas, and William. It was from his second son, Sir Thomas Nugent [of Carlanstown, Co Westmeath, married Katherine, daughter of Sir George Fleming, died after 1569, described in Burke as ancestor of Robert Nugent, 1st Earl Nugent see below, so created 21 July 1776], that Edmond Nugent, of Carlanstown (see pedigree D, born about 1650), was descended [According to Burke, Thomas left "with other issue," one daughter, Eleanor and a son, William].
The eldest male branch of the Nugent family, represented by the twelfth and succeeding Barons Delvin, are now represented by the Earl of Westmeath, whose second title is still Baron Delvin. Since the creation of the Earldom [with Richard Nugent on 4th Sept 1621, who was the eldest son of Christopher the 5th Baron, the eldest son of Richard the 4th Baron above], the eldest son of the Earls of Westmeath has by courtesy been known as Lord Delvin. [Burke starts its account of Westmeath with the 13th Earl of Westmeath and Baron Delvin, William Anthony Nugent of Farthings, Rotton Row Hill, Bradfield, Berkshire RG7 6LL, born 21 November 1928].
As appears from Pedigree D, Edmond Nugent, of Carlanstown, had (besides other children) a son, Colonel Michael Nugent, who became in course of time the father of Robert, afterwards Earl Nugent (born 1709); and a daughter, Mary, who in 1703 married Edward Nugent of Donore; thus reuniting the descendants of the tenth and twelfth Barons Delvin [1st and 3rd (Burke)] after an interval of upwards of 250 years. It is from this union that the Nugents of Donore trace their descent. Sir Walter Richard Nugent of Donore, who succeeded to the title in February, 1896, is the present Baronet.
Edward Nugent of Donore, after the death of his wife Mary [in 1721], married [in 1724] a second wife [Eleanor, daughter of Charles Dowde] who bore him four sons. The second of these was Walter Nugent, who was killed, or mortally wounded, at the battle of Bunkers Hill in 1775. Walter Nugent married in 1754 Rebecca, the daughter of Henry Woodward, the actor (see next page); and their son, Edward Nugent, subsequently Colonel Nugent, was the grandfather of Mrs. Matilda Adriana Chaplin.
Edward Nugent of Donore died in 1733 and in 1886 James Edward Nugent, his descendant in the fifth generation by his first marriage, married Julia Margaret Chaplin, his descendant in the same generation by his second marriage, and thus after a period of 153 years the two branches of his family were united.
In Colonel Nugent's papers and correspondence no record of his connection with the Donore family has been preserved, and for many years past the exact relationship has not been known. Mrs. M. A. Chaplin, the last of his grandchildren who remembered him, did not understand it; and it is only after a great deal of investigation and research that I have been able to ascertain it, and to explain the connection which existed between Colonel Nugent and Earl Nugent on the one side and between him and the Nugents of Donore on the other side.
[Burkes Peerage has a separate entry for the Nugent of Donore, as well as for other branches of the Nugent family. The information given has been added to the Nugent famile tree in this database where possible. It includes a reference to the marriage of James Nugent (born 3 January 1833), youngest son of Sir Percy Nugent, 1st Baronet, with Julia Margaret, daughter of John Clarke Chaplin, on 2 March 1886]
I trust that Pedigree D and the following details will make the whole position of matters clear to any of my readers and relations who care to take the trouble to understand it. If this is so, I shall feel that all the time and labour expended on this part of my work have not been unrewarded.
Before entering upon a detailed account of Colonel Nugent's life it will be appropriate to give a short account of his maternal grandfather, Henry Woodward, the celebrated actor. <<
End of extract from 'The Chaplin and Skinner Families'................................................................. ...................................................................
Note: Henry Woodward was father of Walter Nugent's wife Rebecca.
[One of the annotations in Ann Mendell's copy of the Chaplin and Skinner family book states that a picture (print) of Bunker Hill by John Trumbull used to hang in the Rev Edward Amos Chaplin's house and was passed on to Mrs M A Chaplin, who handed it on to Col Allan Chaplin.]
[Delvin - In the 8th century this area (of County Westmeath) is cited as Delbna Mór. O'Fionnalain (Fenelon) are cited as lords of Delvin prior to the arrival of the Normans. Sir Gilbert De Nogent became baron here after the Norman Invasion, and the Nugent family were Barons of Delvin]
Footnote: Even with the advantage of this computer progam it is difficult to unravel the Nugent ancestry and connections, so I am putting this footnote here in the hope that I won't have to do it again. Walter's son, Colonel Edward Nugent, claimed Lord Nugent, son of the Marquis of Buckingham, as a relation. James Nugent of Donore was apparently a cousin. Julia Chaplin, herself a Nugent descendant, also married a Nugent. How do these people connect?
Walter (Col Edward Nugent's father) was a son of Eleanor Dowde, the SECOND wife of Edward Nugent of Donore, whereas the Baronetcy of Donore of course continued through Thomas, the first son of his FIRST wife, who was born Mary Nugent, then went to Thomas's son James, then his brother Peter, where it ended since they were childless. So Col Edward Nugent and James Nugent were related through the half-brothers Walter and Thomas. James Edward Nugent, who married Julia Margaret Nugent Chaplin, was the great grandson of Christina, sister of James and Peter (one of Christina's sons, tho' born a Fitzgerald, decided to adopt his mother's family name). Of course Julia Margaret Nugent Chaplin was also a descendant of Edward Nugent of Donore, since she was Col Edward Nugent's grandaughter.
The Marquis of Buckingham (a Grenville) was the son-in-law of Earl Nugent, but decided to adopt the Nugent name, so his own son became Lord Nugent. And Earl Nugent was the son of Michael, the brother of Mary, the first wife of Edward Nugent of Donore! So the Marquis of Buckingham's wife Mary Elizabeth Nugent had as great-aunt Mary Nugent, whose husband Edward's second wife Eleanor had Col Edward Nugent as a grandson! So, yes, they were related.................
- APR 1775 - Death - ; Battle of Bunker Hill (America)
- Nobility Title - Capt
? | ||||||
PARENT (M) Edward Nugent | |||
Birth | |||
Death | 1733 | ||
Marriage | 1724 | to Eleanor Dowde | |
Marriage | 1703 | to Mary Nugent | |
Father | Thomas Nugent | ||
Mother | Catharine Ash | ||
PARENT (F) Eleanor Dowde | |||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
Marriage | 1724 | to Edward Nugent | |
Marriage | to Oliver Nugent | ||
Father | Charles Dowde | ||
Mother | ? | ||
M | Edward Nugent | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
M | Robert Nugent | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
M | Anselmus Nugent | ||
Birth | |||
Death | |||
M | Walter Nugent | ||
Birth | |||
Death | APR 1775 | Battle of Bunker Hill (America) | |
Marriage | 25 SEP 1754 | to Rebecca Woodward at Possibly Marylebone Church |
PARENT (M) Walter Nugent | |||
Birth | |||
Death | APR 1775 | Battle of Bunker Hill (America) | |
Marriage | 25 SEP 1754 | to Rebecca Woodward at Possibly Marylebone Church | |
Father | Edward Nugent | ||
Mother | Eleanor Dowde | ||
PARENT (F) Rebecca Woodward | |||
Birth | ABT 1737 | ||
Death | 1817 | at South Place, Knightsbridge, "a pretty country house with a garden," where MAC was taken to see her aged 4 or 5. The h | |
Marriage | 25 SEP 1754 | to Walter Nugent at Possibly Marylebone Church | |
Father | Henry Woodward | ||
Mother | ? | ||
F | Peggy Nugent | ||
Birth | |||
Death | ABT 1810 | ||
M | Edward Nugent , Col. | ||
Birth | 24 JUL 1755 | ||
Death | 23 MAR 1836 | ||
Marriage | ABT 1787 | to Adriana Spencer |
1 Walter Nugent d: APR 1775
+ Rebecca Woodward b: ABT 1737 d: 1817
2 Peggy Nugent d: ABT 1810
2 Edward Nugent , Col. b: 24 JUL 1755 d: 23 MAR 1836
+ Adriana Spencer d: 6 AUG 1839
3 Juliana Caroline Rebecca Adriana Nugent b: AFT 1787 d: 10 MAR 1833
+ Frederick Ayrton b: 1780 d: 24 NOV 1824
4 Matilda Adriana Ayrton b: 1 JUN 1813 d: 26 JAN 1899
+ John Clarke Chaplin b: 25 AUG 1806 d: 2 JUN 1856
5 Holroyd Chaplin b: 17 MAR 1840 d: 23 DEC 1917
+ Euphemia Isabella Skinner b: 7 JUN 1847 d: 10 SEP 1939
6 Irene Kate Chaplin b: 1 MAR 1873 d: 22 JUN 1962
+ John William Ernest Pearce b: 4 APR 1864 d: 25 JAN 1951
7 Edward Holroyd Pearce , Lord b: 9 FEB 1901 d: 27 NOV 1990
+ Erica Priestman b: 1906 d: DEC 1985
8 Richard Bruce Holroyd Pearce b: 12 MAY 1930 d: 1987
+ Private
8 James Edward Holroyd Pearce b: 18 MAR 1934 d: 11 JUN 1985
+ Private
7 Phyllis Margaret Pearce b: 8 FEB 1910 d: 6 JUN 1973
+ Edward Douglas Eade b: 7 FEB 1911 d: 24 DEC 1984
7 John Allan Chaplin Pearce b: 21 OCT 1912 d: 15 SEP 2006
+ Raffaella Elisabetta Maria (Lella) Baione d: MAR 2012
7 Helen Nugent Pearce b: 22 NOV 1917 d: 6 APR 1920
7 Effie Irene Pearce b: 18 AUG 1899 d: 26 JAN 1996
+ Raymond Ray-Jones b: 31 AUG 1886 d: 26 FEB 1942
8 Alan Ray-Jones b: 17 MAY 1930 d: 20 January 2025
+ Elizabeth Ethel (Bebet) Welcher b: 29 MAR 1930 d: 1 MAY 2024
8 Holroyd Anthony Ray-Jones b: 7 JUN 1941 d: 13 MAR 1972
+ Private
6 Allan Nugent Chaplin b: 8 JUN 1871 d: 1917
7 Son Chaplin b: 29 NOV 1900 d: ABT 29 NOV 1900
6 Matilda Effie Chaplin b: 20 JUN 1874 d: 20 DEC 1874
6 Phyllis Chaplin b: 7 JUN 1879 d: 27 JUL 1924
+ Philip Herbert Cowell b: 1870 d: 1949
6 Theodoric Chaplin b: 14 FEB 1881 d: 29 OCT 1906
6 Daphne Grace Chaplin b: 6 SEP 1884 d: 16 FEB 1964
+ Daphne Grace Chaplin b: 6 SEP 1884 d: 16 FEB 1964
+ Cecil Arbuthnot Gould b: 1883 d: 1917
5 Allan Chaplin , Col b: 20 JUN 1844 d: 19 AUG 1910
+ Maud Elizabeth Skinner b: 25 OCT 1844 d: 24 JUN 1904
6 Wyndham Allan Chaplin , Mus. Bac. Oxon., Rev b: 12 NOV 1872 d: 29 AUG 1914
+ Evelyn Dorothea Williamson b: 1873 d: 1945
6 Mabel Florance Ida Chaplin b: 7 OCT 1875 d: 1970
+ Charles Nugent Hope-Wallace b: 3 FEB 1877 d: 15 OCT 1953
7 Philip Hope-Wallace b: NOV 1911 d: 1979
7 Nina Mary Hope-Wallace b: 14 DEC 1905 d: 1995
+ BART, Sir Edward O Hoare b: 29 APR 1898 d: 1969
7 Dorothy Jacqueline Hope-Wallace b: 29 MAY 1909
6 Maud Dorothea Fanny Chaplin b: 23 JUL 1880 d: 6 NOV 1899
5 Louisa Sarah Chaplin b: 23 APR 1838 d: 9 JUL 1897
+ John Edwin Hilary Skinner b: 11 JAN 1839 d: 20 NOV 1894
6 John Allan Cleveland Skinner b: 19 SEP 1865 d: 8 SEP 1925
+ Augusta Beatrice Newman b: 1864
7 Hilary Francis Cleveland Skinner b: 10 OCT 1889 d: 25 JUL 1916
7 John Adrian Dudley Skinner b: 2 SEP 1891 d: 30 MAY 1965
8 Bruce Allan Maclean Skinner b: 29 AUG 1927 d: 2002
6 Caroline Louisa Marianne Skinner b: 22 FEB 1873 d: 20 JUN 1936
+ Roandeu Albert Henry Bickford-Smith b: 3 MAY 1859 d: 13 DEC 1916
7 William Nugent Venning Bickford-Smith b: 14 MAY 1892 d: 3 SEP 1975
+ Amy Evelyn Holme b: 6 SEP 1906 d: 21 JUL 1979
8 Leslie Evelyn Bickford-Smith b: 1928 d: 1990
+ Leonard James Jacob b: 1928 d: 1989
7 John Allan Bickford-Smith b: 23 APR 1895 d: 8 MAY 1970
+ Joan Angel Allsebrook Simon b: 8 AUG 1901 d: 13 APR 1991
+ Norman Kennedy d: 1926
8 Hilary John Bickford-Smith Cdr RN b: 8 FEB 1926 d: 25 MAY 1988
+ Private
+ Private
7 Aubrey Louis Bickford-Smith b: 4 FEB 1902 d: 9 JUL 1975
8 Roger Bickford-Smith b: 1939 d: 1997
+ Imogen
6 Clifton Wyndham Hilary Skinner , R.F.A. b: 26 MAR 1880 d: 17 FEB 1908
5 Ayrton Chaplin , Rev b: 19 OCT 1842 d: 1930
+ Edith Elizabeth Pyne b: 28 SEP 1845 d: 1928
6 Ursula (Ulla) Chaplin , M.D. b: 30 NOV 1869 d: 1937
6 Adriana (Audrey) Chaplin b: 26 APR 1872 d: 15 DEC 1945
+ John Walter (Jack) Gregory , F.R.S., D.Sc. Lond b: 27 JAN 1864 d: 1932
7 Ursula Joan Gregory b: 29 JUL 1896 d: 17 JUL 1959
7 Christopher John (Kit) Gregory b: 11 JUL 1900 d: 1977
+ Marion Eastty Black b: 3 MAY 1902 d: AUG 1998
8 Elizabeth Gregory b: 22 OCT 1933 d: 1938
6 Henry Ayrton Chaplin , L.R.C.P. & S. b: 21 AUG 1876 d: 2 JUL 1905
5 Matilda Charlotte Chaplin , M.D. b: 20 JUN 1846 d: 19 JUL 1883
+ William Edward Ayrton , F.R.S. b: 14 SEP 1847 d: 6 NOV 1908
6 Edith Chaplin Ayrton b: 1 OCT 1874 d: 5 MAY 1945
+ Israel Zangwill b: 21 JAN 1864 d: 1 AUG 1926
7 Margaret (Peggy) Zangwill b: 12 APR 1910
7 Oliver Louis Zangwill b: 29 OCT 1913 d: 12 OCT 1987
+ Joy Moult b: 1924 d: 2016
8 David Ayrton Zangwill b: FEB 1952 d: 1953
7 Ayrton Israel Zangwill b: 15 AUG 1906
5 Julia Margaret Nugent Chaplin b: 23 JAN 1837
+ James Edward Nugent b: 3 JAN 1833
6 Margaret Louisa Nugent d: JUL 1905
+ Peter Nugent Fitzgerald d: 1893
+ Philip O'Reilly d: 24 SEP 1912
4 Edward Nugent Ayrton b: 13 MAR 1815 d: 28 NOV 1873
+ Emma Sophie Althof b: 1837
5 Julia Minna(?) Nugent Ayrton b: 25 JUL 1867
+ Thomas William Cranston Charles , MD, MRCP b: ABT 1850
5 William Edward Ayrton , F.R.S. b: 14 SEP 1847 d: 6 NOV 1908
+ Matilda Charlotte Chaplin , M.D. b: 20 JUN 1846 d: 19 JUL 1883
6 Edith Chaplin Ayrton b: 1 OCT 1874 d: 5 MAY 1945
+ Israel Zangwill b: 21 JAN 1864 d: 1 AUG 1926
7 Margaret (Peggy) Zangwill b: 12 APR 1910
7 Oliver Louis Zangwill b: 29 OCT 1913 d: 12 OCT 1987
+ Joy Moult b: 1924 d: 2016
8 David Ayrton Zangwill b: FEB 1952 d: 1953
7 Ayrton Israel Zangwill b: 15 AUG 1906
+ Phoebe Sarah (Hertha) Marks b: 28 APR 1854 d: 26 AUG 1923
6 Barbara Bodichon Ayrton b: 3 APR 1886 d: OCT 1950
+ Gerald Gould b: 1885 d: 1936
7 Michael Ayrton b: 20 FEB 1921 d: 17 NOV 1975
4 Frederick Ayrton b: 20 MAR 1812 d: 20 JUN 1873
+ Margaret Hicks b: 1808 d: 12 SEP 1873
5 Agnes Nugent Ayrton b: 31 MAY 1834 d: 24 APR 1907
+ Charles Cyril Hicks , Dr b: 1832 d: ABT OCT 1894
6 Frederick Cyril Nugent Hicks , Rt Rev b: 28 JUN 1872
5 Frederick Ayrton b: 1836
4 Acton Smee Ayrton b: 5 AUG 1816 d: 30 NOV 1886
4 John Hyde Ayrton b: 4 JAN 1818 d: 1845
3 James Nugent b: 1792 d: 25 JAN 1815